Leave for GDS 2.6.4
Paid leave– 20 days in calendar year, no accumulation permitted. Kinds of Leave Paid leave– 20 days in calendar year, no accumulation permitted. LWA- Leave without Allowance (Maximum 180 days in a year) 2.6.4
GDS to Provide substitute for Leave Regular GDS is required to provide a substitute at his own risk and responsibility subject to approval by the appointing authority. According to Rule 7 of the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules 2011, 2.6.4
Approval of the Substitute by RA The Recruiting/Leave sanctioning Authority should ensure that an ineligible person is not approved as a substitute the substitute arrangement is not continued for long periods. 2.6.4
Maximum Period of Leave for a GDS If a GDS avails leave for more than 180 days in a year “be removed from service after following the procedure laid down in Rule 10. The year is neither a calendar year nor a Financial year. The period one year is to be calculated from one date to another date containing 365 days. Rule 7 of the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules 2011, 2.6.4
GDS to apply in advance for LWA The GDS should apply for Leave in advance and get prior sanction of the controlling authority. When the GDS is on LWA, the allowances payable to him are paid to his substitute. Hence, this type of Leave granted to the GDS is called “Leave Without Allowance” (LWA). 2.6.4
Leave Sanctioning Authorities The Sub appointing authorities are competent to grant leave to a GDS BPM for 60 days at a stretch 90 days at a stretch to other GDSs. Leave for any period more than this limit, will be granted by the SSP/SP of the Division. 2.6.4
Consequence of Availing Leave Above Maximum If the leave applied for exceeds the period of 180 days, the procedure to be followed for the removal of the GDS from service is to be initiated under Rule 10 of the GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules 2011. 2.6.4
Leave Granting Authorities for More Than 180 Days When the GDS officiates in the leave vacancies of the Regular Postman/MTS, the SP can grant leave exceeding 180 days subject to conditions. Leave of for more than 180 days on account of genuine illness have been vested with the Head of the Region/Circle. 2.6.4
Conditions for Granting Leave for more than 180 Days Officiating arrangements of GDSs exceeding 180 days are allowed to continue in exceptional circumstances only and not as a matter of Rule. GDS would have to engage a substitute continuously for more than 180 days which would create a case for the regularization of the substitute 2.6.4
Fraction of 0.5 or above will be taken as one day of leave. Paid Leave for GDS A GDS “may be granted paid leave at the rate of 20 days in a calendar year without accumulation” . If the GDS joins the post in the middle of the year, the paid leave entitlement will be proportionate to the period of employment for that part of the year. Fraction of 0.5 or above will be taken as one day of leave. 2.6.4
Payment of Allowances for Paid Leave The allowances to the substitute is paid by the Department while the GDS would also get his own allowances for the period of paid leave. 2.6.4
Authorities for Granting of Paid Leave The paid leave is granted to all categories of GDSs by the appointing authorities themselves or Leave sanctioning authority 2.6.4
Method of Granting Paid Leave to GDS Paid leave is to be granted on combination of duties, if not it should not be refused. Substitute to be allowed when combination of duties result in work for more than five hours of the single GDS. When the leave is granted on combination of duties, the combined duty allowance will be paid to the GDS. The paid leave can be granted with prefix and suffix of holidays and Sundays. 2.6.4
Granting of LWA to GDS While Paid Leave at Credit Even when paid leave is at the credit of the GDS, LWA (Leave without Allowance) can be granted. 2.6.4
Accounting of Paid Leave The account of the paid leave particulars should be kept by both the appointing authority/Leave Sanctioning Authority and the HO. 2.6.4
Exercise 1 Accounting of LWA It has to be recorded in the service file It should be referred when deciding the qualifying service. Exercise 1 2.6.4