By: Zi Huang 11/20/12 1
History of Immigration Begins in the mid 18 th century For California gold rush Building Railroad 2
First Chinese Immigrants w ealthy Successful business Were hotel owner Were restaurant owner 3
History of Chinatown 25,000 Chinese working in California More than half of them live in same region People increased, they formed a large city called Chinatown. 4
Other Jobs for Chinese They didn’t only here for gold, they also take job as: Cooker Storekeeper peddler 5
Railroad Job During 1860, 10,000 Chinese were said to involved building central pacific railroad 9/10 of railroad workers were Chinese They made $35 per month Their food cost from $15-$18 a month 6
Railroad continued The job was backbreaking and highly dangerous Over thousands people had their bones shipped and returned back to China. 7
Resentment against Chinese As time passed, the resentment against Chinese increased from those who could not compete with them. Acts of violent against Chinese, 88 Chinese were murdered. Mostly killed by white Urban 8
The Naturalization Act of 1870 restricted all immigration into the U.S to only "white persons and persons of African descent,“ meaning that all Chinese were placed in a different category, a category that placed them as ineligible for citizenship from that time till
1860 During 1860 there were around 62,000 Chinese in U.S. The ratio for man and woman were 19:1 59,850 men 3,150 women 10
1890 There were around 110,000 Chinese in U.S in The ratio was 27:1 106,072 men 3,928 women 11
Sex RatioMaleFemale ,8503, ,0723,928 12