Faculty Evaluation Reward and Recognition Program
Eligibility for Rewards and Recognition Received a “Meets Expectations” Evaluation “Substantially Exceeds” Expectations in One or More Domains Documented Narrative of 500 Words that Describes Achievements First Year Faculty are Ineligible Campus Liaisons: Marleen McCabe (AL); Charlotte Calobrisi (AN); Dwayne Treadway (LO); Molly Lynch (MA); Ruth Stanton (MED); Charles Errico (WO)
Decision-Making Process Campus Councils Appoint Reward & Recognition Committees Consisting of a Majority of Teaching Faculty (Minimum of One Teaching Faculty from each Division, One Classified Staff, One Student Services Representative, One Dean) College Senate Appoints a Rewards Committee Consisting of Members from Campus Rewards & Recognition Committees Nominations Sent to the Rewards Committee Based on the FTEF of Each Campus (Annandale, 25; Alexandria, 20; Loudoun, 17; Woodbridge, 16; Manassas, 14; Medical Education, 8.
College Rewards 10-25% of the FTEF are Recipients A Minimum of $1,000 that can Take the Form of Bonuses, Percentage Pay Increases, or Professional Development Stipends Decisions Based on Merit Rather than Discipline or Campus Nominations from Faculty, Dean or Supervisor, or other Employees of the College and VCCS Members of the College Rewards Committee are Ineligible
Campus Recognition Gift Certificates to Local Businesses, Preferred Parking, Other Forms of Recognition Categories Include Teaching Effectiveness, Scholarly & Creative Engagement, Community Service, Leadership, Institutional Responsibility, & Multicultural Enrichment Based on Nominations from Faculty, Deans/Supervisors, or any Other Stakeholder Campus Reward & Recognition Members are Not Eligible
Other Important Awards SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Awards (Highest Teaching Honor in the Commonwealth); Identify Candidates by the End of the Spring Semester Chancellor’s Fellowship and Professorship (Release Time and Stipend for Graduate Work and Special Projects); Due February 1 College Foundation Outstanding Service to the College (Teaching Faculty; Non Teaching Faculty; Classified Staff; Adjuncts); Due April 1 Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (Highest Teaching Honor in the VCCS); Due April 25 Same Deadlines Each Year, Restore A Healthy Competition
Student Evaluations Completed for Full-Time Teaching Faculty in All Course During the Fall and Spring Semesters Must Use Questions in #99 IOTA System Supervisors and Faculty Can Add Additional Questions to Customize for Individual Courses and Disciplines Extra Credit and In Class Completion of Evaluations will Improve Rate of Returns