CalFresh 101: Help Your Clients Access CalFresh April 12, 2013
2 Second Harvest Food Bank
Food Connection Hotline 3 1-(800) :30am – 4:00pm Provides food referrals to callers within their zip code Operators speak English, Spanish and Vietnamese
CalFresh Application Assistance 4 CalFresh = EBT = SNAP = Food Stamps
CalFresh Benefit Amounts 5 People in HouseholdMaximum Monthly Allotment 1$200 2$367 3$526 4$668 5$793 6$952 7$1052 8$1202 Each Additional Person+$150
Eligibility 7 Very low-income children or adults who are legal residents (3+ yrs) or citizens and who do NOT receive SSI benefits
Eligibility, cont. 8 Special Requirements for: –SSI Recipients –Immigrants –Seniors –Disabled –Students
Basic CalFresh Eligibility Flowchart 9 For households with moderate to no income
Gross Income Limits (before taxes) 10 NOTE: Does not apply to households with ineligible students, ineligible immigrants, one or more getting SSI, disabled or over age 60 Household SizeGross Monthly Income (130% of federal poverty) 1$1210 2$1639 3$2068 4$2497 5$2926 6$3355 Each Additional Member+429
CalFresh Assistance Locations locations in SMC and 42 locations in SCC Application clinics held 1-8 times per month
CalFresh Assistance Process 12 Promote/ Screen Apply Complete Decision
Verifications 13 Picture ID – all adults Proof of Income if they have any – last 30 days Social Security Numbers Rental Agreement Utility Bills
The Truth About CalFresh 14
CalFresh Partnership Example 15
Opportunities to Collaborate 16 Menu of Options We can provide you with resources to help you reach more people!
Referral Form 17 Fax to SHFB SHFB calls within 24 hours (x2) Leaves message for client to call Food Connection Telephone screening and appointment setting
Thank You! Please contact us for any questions 18 Nicole Martinez CalFresh Outreach Manager x 294 Anna Dyer Associate Director of Services x 424