Welcome Parents and 8 th Graders! Joel MorganPrincipal RJ BraunscheidelAssistant Principal Nick MayerAthletic/Activities Director Kirk BennettAcademic Services Sally ElvitskySchool Counselor Chris VassalottiSchool Counselor
Class of 2019 Graduation Requirements Recently adopted by the ODE 21 credits from WHS remain the same New assessments replace OGT PARCC and AIR assessments 12 End of Course Exams Total of 18 points from EOC to graduate
Class of 2019 Graduation Requirements End of Course Exams (7) Algebra 1American History GeometryAmerican Government English 9 English 105 – Advanced Biology4 – Accelerated 3 – Proficient 2 – Basic 1 – Limited
Selecting an Honors Course Honors Criteria Data Driven – OAA Scores predict success Teacher Recommendation Prepare Students/Parents for Academic Rigor Honors Grading Scale Rigor and high expectations
Selecting an Honors Course This rigorous course requires students to work diligently and be prepared for a large workload outside of class. This course demands independence and responsibility and concentrates on the development of higher level thinking skills. *Weighted grading scale used.
Grades Quality Points (based on a 1 credit course) Letter Grade/ Numeric Equivalent Regular Course Honors Course Advanced Placement A+ (100-97) A (96-93) A- (92-90) B+ (89-87) B (86-83) B- (82-80) C+ (79-77) C (76-73) C- (72-70) D+ (69-67) D (66-63)
Athletic Eligibility 9-12th Graders: – Must receive passing grades in 5, one credit classes or the equivalent in the immediately preceding grading period (HS) DO NOT DROP A CLASS WITHOUT CHECKING WITH ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FIRST!!! Woodridge Local Schools GPA Requirement- 1.5 Minimum Semester, Interim, and Yearly grades do not count for athletic eligibility purposes. Incompletes count as failing grade unless you meet an OHSAA exception. » Illness/Injury, Family Tragedy or Calamity Days
Types of Courses – 9 Week Classes (None currently at Woodridge) – Semester Classes (TWO 9-week periods) – Full Year Classes (FOUR 9-week periods) Types of Credit – Courses are assigned a value amount, called a credit, based on the hours of instruction given. At Woodridge, courses are assigned either (1) credit, ½(.5) of a credit or a ¼ (.25) credit. Credit Hour Equivalency Calculation
Credit Hour Equivalency Calculation (Cont…) When determining credit hours earned in a 9 WEEK period for athletic eligibility, we multiply the credit earned by a specific factor based on duration of the course. Full year classes are multiplied by the value of (1) and Semester classes are multiplied by a value of (2). Example:
Credit Hour Equivalency Calculation (Cont…) Another Example: Class/SubjectGradeCredit & DurationFactorCredit Equivalency Algebra IIA½ credit- semester2.5 x 2= 1 Creative CookingA½ credit- semester2.5 x 2= 1 AP BiologyB1 credit- full year11 x 1= 1 Fitness/WeightsA¼ credit- semester2(.25) x 2= 0.5 English 11F½ credit- semester20 x 2= 0 American Studies B½ credit- semester2.5 x 2= 1 INELIGIBLE FOR NEXT 9 WEEKS = 4.5 Credits
NCAA Eligibility Information To participate in Division I athletics or receive an athletics scholarship during the first year of college, a student-athlete must: – Complete the 16 core-course requirement in eight semesters: – 4 years of English – 3 years of Math (Algebra 1 or higher) – 2 years of natural or physical science (including one year of lab science if offered by the high school) – 1 extra year of English, math or natural or physical science – 2 years of social science – 4 years of extra core courses (from any category above, or foreign language, non-doctrinal religion or philosophy) – Earn a minimum required grade-point average in core courses – Earn a combined SAT or ACT sum score that matches the core course grade-point average and test-score sliding scale. (For example, a core-course grade-point average needs at least a 620 SAT).
NCAA Eligibility Information Continued Student-athletes enrolling in college in August 2016 and later must meet all of the previous requirements to receive aid in the first year and practice in the first term. In order to compete in the first year, prospects must meet all previous AND: – Earn at least a 2.3 GPA in core courses – Meet an increased sliding-scale standard. – Complete 10 core-courses prior to the start of the seventh semester (junior yr.), at least seven in English, math and science. If a student-athlete earns nine credits in the first term, he or she can continue to practice the remainder of the year. If not, he or she can remain on aid but can’t practice.