Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. DI DInamic Fundamental ℠ Simple, Affordable & Attainable Disability Income Protection for your Clients
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. DInamic Fundamental SM (Form 4504LS) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. located at 5900 "O" Street, Lincoln, NE Policy and riders may vary and may not be available in all states. This information is provided by Ameritas ®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including: Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York, Acacia Life Insurance Company, The Union Central Life Insurance Company, and Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. and Acacia Life Insurance Company are not licensed in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit Ameritas ® and the bison are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. © 2012 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company Disclosures
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York State Approvals For the most current listing of approvals, please refer to the DInamic Fundamental SM State Approval Grid (DI 1513) For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Agenda Target markets Product design Eligibility Unique features Pricing Sales process Simplified underwriting Marketing tools For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Target Markets Prospects Middle income earners making $40,000-$100,000 annual income Working 30+ hours per week Little or no DI coverage in force For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Marketing Opportunity For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. © 2012 Munich American Reassurance Company Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York DInamic Fundamental Highlights Unique product design Simple policy provisions Affordable premiums Simplified application process Streamlined sales and underwriting processes For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Guaranteed Renewable to Age 65 Premium paying and coverage periods to Age 65 Issue ages (attained age) $18,000 minimum annual income For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Occupational Classes Actual duties performed in all occupations should be considered when determining the eligibility and occupational class for applicants Class 1L An eligible occupation consisting of 50% or less manual duties Class 2L An eligible occupation consisting of more than 50% manual duties Manual duties means any physical activity including, but not limited to: standing, walking, stooping, bending, pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying, climbing, crawling, kneeling and driving a vehicle. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Ineligible occupations* Medical market (chiropractors, physicians, nurses, therapists, veterinarians, etc.) Seasonal occupations, professional athletes, entertainers, artists, and occupations with duties that include: severe environmental, chemical or radioactive exposure; hazardous duties; handling of firearms or explosives; flying an aircraft, and/or may involve extraordinary manual labor or services. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Definition of Total Disability Inability, due to sickness or injury, to perform any reasonable occupation based on education, training and experience; and Total disability is expected to last at least 365 days* A single, lump sum benefit (or six equal monthly benefit payments) is payable when an insured meets the definition of total disability outlined above No benefits are payable for residual/partial disabilities * Payable after 30 day survival period once it’s determined that a disability is expected to last 365 continuous days. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Zero-day elimination period Insured must survive disability for at least 30 days Benefit amount is one times annual earnings, rounded to the next $5,000 Insured can elect less than one times earnings. Annual earnings include: Salary, bonuses, commissions and other monetary compensation (net of expenses for business owners and self-employed individuals). $25,000 minimum benefit $100,000 maximum benefit For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Once claim is approved, any premiums paid after onset of disability will be refunded Lump sum benefit is available, but benefits may also be paid over a six-month benefit period – option is elected at time of claim For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Policy terminates on the earliest of the following: Once total disability claim is approved and payments begin; Nonpayment of premium; Anniversary date following insured’s 65 th birthday; Upon the owner’s written request; or Upon the insured’s death For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Exclusions Benefits are not payable for disabilities resulting from: War or act of war, or that result from military service when scheduled active duties is more than three months; Self-inflicted injury; Criminal activity; or Termination of license, except as a direct result of disability. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Exclusions (cont.) Benefits for disabilities resulting from Mental/Nervous disorders, alcoholism or drug abuse are limited to one- half of the total disability benefit, unless insured is expected to be confined to a hospital for at least 365 days due to the condition. If this is the case, the full total disability benefit is payable. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Pre-Existing Conditions Any physical or mental condition for which during the six- month period preceding the policy issue date: An insured sought medical treatment; or Symptoms existed that would have caused a reasonably prudent person to seek medical treatment Medical treatment includes medial advice or treatment, diagnostic procedures or prescribed drugs or medication For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Product Design Pre-Existing Conditions (cont.) Benefits are not payable for any disability that: Begins in the first 12 months following the policy issue date; and Is caused by or contributed to by a pre-existing condition. A disability caused by or contributed to by a pre-existing condition may be covered only if it begins after 12 months from the issue date of the policy and has not been specifically excluded by name or specific description. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Sales Process Premium rates: Sex-distinct rates Remain level to Age 65 Tobacco rates include a 20% premium load Determined using web-based premium calculator Client brochure available where you can notate premium No formal illustration necessary For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Sales Process For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Sample Pricing For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Underwriting Process Uses short and simple application; No blood or urine tests or paramedical exams; No other medical requirements are necessary (APS or PHI); MIB and Script Checks will be used for all cases; Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs) will be used as needed; For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Underwriting Process No income documentation required; No coordination with other DI coverage when determining benefit amount; Applications will either be accepted or rejected; No premiums ratings will be used; and Exclusion riders may be used in circumstances requiring them For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York General Information DInamic Fundamental Compensation* First-Year Commission (FYC) for issue ages is 40% of premium FYC for issue ages 50+ is 30% of premium Renewals for all ages are 10% of premium *Compensation is not paid on policy fees. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York General Information Reinstatement Reinstatement will be considered within 90 days after the policy lapses, provided all past due premiums are paid. An application for reinstatement and evidence of insurability may be required. For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York DInamic Fundamental SM Tools Agent Guide (DI 1507) Client Brochure (DI 1508) Agent Highlights (DI 1509) Web-Based Premium Calculator Agent Instructional Flyer for using Premium Calculator (DI 1510) Sales Idea (DI 1511) Specimen Policy (DI 1512) State Approval Grid (DI 1513) Sales Strategy (coming soon) Mass , Brainshark and other accompanying materials For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York Questions? For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Simple…Affordable…Attainable
Discover DI | from Ameritas Life/Ameritas Life of New York For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Key Contacts Your Agency or Brokerage Manager Your Regional DI Wholesale Office Your Ameritas Sales Development team The DI Product Management team