Do you Remember? Helpful ACRONYMS Plant-like Animal-like Fungus-like D iatoms A lgae (green,red, brown) D inoflagellates Euglena Z ooflagellates s A rcodina C iliophora S porozoa T hread-like I mperfect C lub S ac
Fungus-like Protist General Characteristics Heterotrophic Decomposers No CHITIN in cell walls Classified by spore case type (reproductive structure) Eukaryotic
Two Groups Fungus-like Protists Water Molds Found on dead or decaying things in water Plant parasites on land Cell Walls made of cellulose Ex. White mold found on dead fish Ex. Can cause leisons on fish (Saprolegnia) Ex. Mildew EX. Caused Irish potato Famine Slime Molds Live in moist, damp places Important in recycling organic material Resemble Sarcodines (amoebas)
Kingdom Fungi IN: 71 Sir Alexander Fleming Discovered penicillin The miracle drug Sulfur Shelf Fungus
General Characteristics Heterotrophic Eukaryotes Some parasites- Corn smut, fruit mildew, wheat rust) Some symbiotic dwellers- lichens, mycorrhizae Some decomposers (saprobes)- get rid of detritus (dead stuff) All multicellular – except YEAST Cell walls made of CHITIN Extracellular digestion Live in wide range of environments Classified according to their reproductive structures MYCOTA= FUNGUS Ceiling Mold Athlete’s foot
Draw and Label this IN: 70 Common fungal structures. HYPHAE: a single, thread-like filament which grows from a spore MYCELIUM: network of hyphae (absorb nutrients) CELL WALL: formed from chitin RHIZOID: hyphae that run vertically STOLON: hyphae that run horizontally
Fungal reproduction: Two types BUDDING: asexual reproduction Offspring grows out from parent’s body Example: yeast SPORES: sexual reproduction lightweight reproductive cells dispersed by wind, water and animals.
Four major phyla of Fungi Phylum Zygomycota “AKA” Thread-like fungus Example: black bread mold Characteristics Produce thick-walled spores called zygospores Grow on meat, cheese & bread Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Fungal Phyla Phylum Ascomycota: “AKA” SAC FUNGI Examples: yeast, cup fungi Characteristics Largest fungi phyla ascospores contained in sac-like structures called ascus Sexual and Asexual repro. Phylum Deuteromycota “AKA” Imperfect fungi EX. Penicillin, athelete’s foot, ringworm, toenail fungus Characteristics Very diverse phylum OTC drugs used in treatment ASEXUAL Reproduction ONLY
Fungal Phyla Phylum Basidiomycota “AKA” CLUB FUNGI Examples: shelf fungi, puffballs, mushrooms Characteristics Produce club shaped hyphae Release basidiospores from basidia Sexual and Asexual reproduction
Draw and Label IN:72 Club Fungi Structures CAP: top of mushroom GILLS: underneath cap, slits where spores are released STIPE: stalk-like structure MYCELIUM: forms body of the fungus called a fruiting body Draw & label this on the left page!
Fungus Quiz 1. How are fungi classified? a. color b. movement c. reproduction 2. Fungi that break down dead material are classified as ? a. saprobes b. parasites c. mutualistic 3. Some fungi produce lightweight reproductive cells called ? a. gametes b. mycelium c. spores 4. What is the body of a fungus made of? a. mycelium b. stipe c. rhizoid 5. The top of a mushroom is called? a. cap b. gills c. stipe