19.5-19.6 Vocabulary Chitin:____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Hyphae: ________________________________________________________ Mycelium:_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Fruiting Body:______________________________________________________ 5. Mycorrhizae:_______________________________________________________ 6. Sporangia:________________________________________________________ Lichen:___________________________________________________________
SECTION 19.5 REVIEW Describe how fungi use hyphae to obtain their food. 2. Describe a typical fruiting body of sac fungi, bread mold, and club fungi. 3. Sporangia are formed during the life cycle of a typical bread mold. At what stage are they formed? Draw a flowchart showing the sequence of steps in the reproduction of yeast, a single celled fungus. The mycelium of a fungus grows underground. In what ways might this be helpful for the fungus?
SECTION 19.6 REVIEW How do fungi contribute to the balance of an ecosystem? 2. What are three reasons lichens are useful to humans? 3. Draw a Venn diagram comparing lichens and mychorrhizae. Include terms such as roots, photosynthesis, and mutualism. Some antifungal medications can damage the patient’s own tissues. Why doesn’t this problem occur with antibiotics?
Plants Fungus Multicellular Nucleus Cell Wall a. Made of Cellulose Absorb Water and Nutrients a. Roots Contain Chlorophyll a. Autotrophic Multicellular a. With the exception of yeast Nucleus a. Can be more than one Cell Wall a. Made of Chitin Absorb Water and Nutrients a. Hyphae Do Not Contain Chlorophyll Heterotrophic: -Saphrophytes -Parasites
FUNGUS KINGDOM Characteristics of Fungus ___________________ Multicellular a. Except yeast Eukaryotic Have Cell Walls a. Made of Chitin Heterotropic
HYPHAE THREAD-LIKE _____________________ chains of ___________ that form the _______ and ____________________ of a fungus CELLS BODY MYCELIUM _______________: underground network of hyphae that have grouped together. Produce ____________________ which is a reproductive structure of a fungus and grows above ground. MYCELIUM Fruiting Body Hyphae FRUITING BODY Mycelium
(ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION) (SEXUAL REPRODUCTION) FUNCTIONS OF HYPHAE 1. ABSORB WATER 2. DIGEST FOOD ENZYMES Hyphae secrete ________________________ to break down dead/living material. Once the material is broken down into simpler _________________, the food is absorbed through the fungus’ ___________________ NUTRIENTS HYPHAE 3. REPRODUCTION Pieces of _____________________ can ____________________ and form into new fungi. _________________________________ Hyphae can _________________ together and create ____________________. _________________________________ HYPHAE BREAK OFF (ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION) FUSE NEW HYPHAE (SEXUAL REPRODUCTION)
SPORES PRODUCED IN... REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES ________________________ that grow into new organisms. Adapted for dispersal and _____________ for extended period of time in unfavorable conditions . SURVIVING PRODUCED IN... SACS SPORANGIA CLUB-SHAPED PARTS
Types of Fungus PRIMITIVE FUNGI SAC FUNGI SP0RANGIA FUNGI CLUB FUNGI _______________ _________________ ________________ _______________ Chytridiomycota Ascomycota Zygomycota Basidiomycota Smallest/Simplest Mostly aquatic Spores with Flagella Decomposers or parasites Chytrids Form a sac called ascus Ascus contains spores for reproduction Yeasts, Penicillium, morels, truffles Contain sporangia Sporangia produce spores for reproduction Range for molds on spoiled food to fungi used to ferment foods Contain club-shaped parts that produce spores for reproduction. Club parts produce spores for reproduction Contain mushrooms, puffballs, shelf (bracket) fungi. Also include rusts and smuts
REPRODUCTION IN FUNGUS SEXUAL ASEXUAL ____________ break apart, and form new fungi ____________ are released by fungi and form new fungi HYPHAE _______________ FROM DIFFERENT FUNGI _________________ THEN GROW INTO __________________ THAT RELEASE __________________, (COMBINED _________) HYPHAE JOIN TOGETHER SPORES SPORANGIA SEXUAL SPORES DNA
Sac Fungus SPORES Produce _____________ in saclike structures called __________________. Reproduce by _______________ & ____________________ ASCI BUDDING SPORES Useful to humans Bread Alcohol Penicillium Blue Cheese
REPRODUCTION IN SAC FUNGUS SEXUAL ASEXUAL ____________ break apart, and form new fungi ____________ are released by fungi and form new fungi HYPHAE SPORES SPORANGIA DNA
Sporangium Fungi Branch out and feed with ________________ hyphae Reproduce by producing spores in ________________________ Sporangia are structures, found on the tips of hyphae that make __________ sporangia spores
Club Fungus Form Branches of ____________________ underground CAP Club Fungus GILLS STIPE Form Branches of ____________________ underground Have gills under their _________________ that house the _________________________ that produce _____________ for __________________. Spores are found __________________________ _________________________________ MYCELIUM HYPHAE (MYCELIUM) CAP CLUB LIKE PARTS SPORES REPRODUCTION IN BETWEEN GILLS ON CLUB LIKE PARTS!
Club Fungus Shelf Fungus Puffballs Smuts Rusts
NICHES OF FUNGI PARASITES _______________________________: Can be _____________________ and cause ______________ * In Plants: - _______________________ caused by sac fungus - Destroy ___________________ crops * In Humans: - ___________________ PATHOGENIC DISEASE DUTCH ELM DISEASE FRUIT ATHLETE’S FOOT NAIL FUNGUS RING WORM YEAST INFECTIONS
NICHES OF FUNGI DECOMPOSERS SAPHROPHYTES 2. _____________________________: (____________________) Break down ___________________________ _______________, _________________, _______________ Helpful: * Return ___________________ and _______________ back into the soil. * Break down _______________ plant materials that cannot be used without first being broken down by decomposers. d. Harmful: Deteriorate __________________ houses, boats, etc Causes __________________________ SAPHROPHYTES ONCE LIVING THINGS LEAVES LOGS ANIMALS NUTRIENTS MINERALS ‘HARD’ WOODEN REPRIATORY ILLNESS
MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIPS INVOLVING FUNGUS MYCORRHIZAE ______________________: Partnerships between _______________ and roots of ________________ Fungus help plants to ______________________, Plants provide _____________ for the fungus. FUNGUS CERTAIN PLANTS ‘FIX’ NITROGEN FOOD
MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIPS INVOLVING FUNGUS LICHEN ______________________: Partnerships between _______________ and ______________________ Fungus supplies organism with chlorophyll _________ ______________________, Plants provide _____________ for the fungus. FUNGUS ORGANISM WITH CHLOROPHYLL WATER And HABITAT FOOD C