1 Challenge the future Development of fungal bioreactors for Treatment of Lignin/Humics- rich wastewater and sludge Mostafa Zahmatkesh, CiTG, Water Management Department, Sanitary Eng. Group Vakantiecursus, TUDelft, January 2014
2 Challenge the future Project Outline Wastewater Effluent Sludge Humics Lignin
3 Challenge the future Recalcitrant Compounds Lignin Humics
4 Challenge the future White rot fungi Lignin Degrading Enzymes Lignin Degradation Lignocellulose Degradation Lignin Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Degrading Enzymes
5 Challenge the future Challenge: Non-sterile conditions!
6 Challenge the future Approach Fungal Strain Prescreening Inoculation Method Bioreactor Process design
7 Challenge the future Challenges : Limiting bacterial growth and increasing the fungal growth Inoculation strategy in continuous mode Maintaining short HRT and long fungal SRT in continues run with optimum degradation activity