Ralf-Udo Ehlers e-nema GmbH


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Presentation transcript:

Ralf-Udo Ehlers e-nema GmbH Sealing the deal on a greener CAP? Croke Park Confernce Centre, Dublin, Ireland April 10, 2013 INNOVATION – THE WAY FORWARD: BIOLOGICAL PLANT PROTECTION Ralf-Udo Ehlers e-nema GmbH

Current tools available from the biocontrol industry Microbials Viruses, Bacteria & Fungal Pathogens Macrobials Predatory mites & insects, nematodes Semiochemicals Pheromones, Plant volatiles Natural Products Plant extracts, Seaweed products & Basic substances Tools have been available for many decades

nematodes, fungi + bacteria for IPM e~nema SME, producing nematodes, fungi + bacteria for IPM

Success Story: Biological Control in European Greenhouse Industry Pests developed resistance against synthetic pesticides Farmers used pesticides more frequencly and in higher dosis Serious problems with pesticide residues in food

Problems with residues

Accepted Residues (MRL) Supermarkets go beyond governmental levels 100% Legal MRL 50% 40% 30% 33% 70% 80% Maximal pesticide Residue Level requested by Supermarket chains in Italy Maximal pesticide Residue Level requested by Supermarket chains in Germany Source: (Waldner W. Frutta e Vite, 2009) Fruitlogistica 2013 6

Concerted Action of government, farmer organisations and biocontrol industry in Spain Governmental support of 1000 €/ha to pay for technical support 2004: 100 ha use of biocontrol 2010: All 40.000 ha use BCAs Today greenhouse vegetables are produced by IPM including biological control agents In outdoor agriculture, however, biocontrol is not yet part of IPM

Why? Exaggerating regulation of biological control agents (micro-organisms, pheromones, botanicals)

Risk Management + Registration Biocontrol agents regulated according to EU Reg. 1107/2009, following rules developed for synthetic chemical compounds EU Policy Support Action REBECA gave recommendations for improvement, but proposals have not been implemented

What is necessary (incomplete list) Accelerate registration process (9 years is too long) Formation of expert teams to handle BCAs only Priorities for BCAs

Why? Exaggerating regulation following rules developed for synthetic chemical compounds Although EU pesticide legislation and political outreach is supporting non-chemical measures, the support for introduction of biocontrol in MS is half-hearted

Integrated Pest Management in European PP legislation The Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market: Point 35: To ensure a high level of protection of human and animal health and the environment, plant protection products should be used properly, in accordance with their authorisation, having regard to the principles of integrated pest management and giving priority to nonchemical and natural alternatives wherever possible. 12

MS violate existing EU legislation MS give Art. 53 “emergency authorisations” although biocontrol agents are available. Member States do NOT used PPP properly MS give priority to chemical products

Why? Exaggerating regulation following rules developed for synthetic chemical compounds Although EU pesticide legislation and political outreach is supporting non-chemical measures, the support for introduction of biocontrol in MS is half-hearted Implementation of pesticide reduction programmes exclude biological control

Sustainable Use Directive 2009/128 EC Article 14: “the MS shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment As a consequence, MS must developed NAPs to reduce pesticide use in the EU 15

Instead of promotion of biocontrol, MS seem to protect markets for chemical PPPs NAPs hardly consider biological control as a possible means to reduce pesticides EU funded projects like ENDURE and PURE „re-invent“ IPM, but do little for implementation of biological control

Summary Biological control is supporting greening of CAP EU policy supports introduction of biocontrol MS could do much more for implementation of biocontrol in the EU