Biome: Tundra By: Mariah Hanson, Hannah Sanville and Veronica Yi Blue 2, Gray 2a, Wise, 09/16/13
Region Of The World Continues across North America, Europe and Asia Cover 1/5 of the world’s surface Largest and northernmost Biome
Abiotic Factors Temperature range: C to 12 0 C Permafrost 60 day growing season Average yearly precipitation: <25cm Soil
Abiotic Factors: Winter Climate Winter temperatures: -30 F in Artic Tundra's (North Pole) Coldest winters: Siberia, average winter temperatures: -40 F Has reached -93 F before. Mildest winters: Costal regions, average temperatures: 30 F Winter storms develop in the Aleutian Low and Icelandic Low
Abiotic Factors: Summer Climate Mild summers. Average temperatures: 45F Warmest summers occur in inland regions of Siberia, Alaska and Canada July temperatures there : 60 F Temperatures have been recorded in the 90’s F in those regions though Artic has rain and fog in summertime Short growing season because during the summer the Tundra doesn’t get a lot of rain
Abiotic Factors: Permafrost Permanent frozen layer of soil Surface above permafrost remains frozen all but 8 weeks of the year Prevents trees from growing
Abiotic Factors: Soil Slightly acidic Low nutrients due to cold temperatures Moist Thin topsoil over the permafrost
Biotic Factors: Animals Mammals Caribou Musk Oxen Artic Foxes Lemmings Snowshoe Hare Birds: Snowy Owls Ducks Geese Cranes Waterfowl Predatory Birds Musk Oxen Canadian Goose
Biotic Factors: Closer Look At The Artic Fox Mammal Diet: omnivore Average life span: 3 to 6 years Important adaptations to survive in chilly climate. Hardy animal, so it can survive in the tundra's frigid temperatures Lives in burrows
Biotic Factor: Closer Look At The Snowy Owl Carnivore Average life span: 9.5 years Patient hunter Breeds in Artic tundra Preferred meal is lemmings Diurnal: They hunt and are active during day and night.
Biotic Factors: Endangered Animals Artic Fox Polar Bear Northern Leopard Frog Bull Trout Whooping Crane Peregrine Falcon Northern Leopard Frog Whooping Crane
Endangered Animals: Closer Look at The Polar Bear Mammal Carnivore Average life span: 25 to 30 years Live in very cold climates Very strong swimmers May 2008 Polar bears were determined endangered
Biotic Factors: Plants/Fungi Plants Grasses Sedges Mosses Dwarf woody plants Fungi Lichens Moss
Biotic Factor: Closer Look At Lichens Reproduce asexually Fungus Unique due to not being a single organism Actually a combination of two organisms Most composed of fungal filaments
Bibliography "Tundra Climate." Tundra Climate. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept "The Tundra Biome." The Tundra Biome. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept "Arctic Fox." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept "Snowy Owl." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept "Polar Bear." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept Book : Postlethwait, John H., and Janet L. Hopson. Modern Biology. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Print.
Conclusion Biotic Factors -Animals - Plants Abiotic Factors - Climate - Soil - Permafrost