Comprehensive Literacy Program Louisiana Department of Education


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Presentation transcript:

Comprehensive Literacy Program Louisiana Department of Education Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program Jill B. Slack, PhD Director | Literacy Office Louisiana Department of Education

State Literacy Plans: Core Components Leadership and Sustainability Creating literacy teams and plans for organizing, implementing, and sustaining effective approaches to Birth-Grade 12 literacy

State Literacy Plans: Core Components Standards-Based Curriculum Examining state standards, grade-level-expectations, and curriculum frameworks through the lens of literacy

State Literacy Plans: Core Components Assessment System Identifying and using valid and reliable measures to screen, monitor progress, and diagnose literacy needs to target instruction for each age level/grade span

State Literacy Plans: Core Components Instruction and Intervention Identifying and using valid and reliable measures to screen, monitor progress, and diagnose literacy needs to target instruction for each age level/grade span

State Literacy Plans: Core Components Professional Learning and Resources Developing learning opportunities, Web resources, and coordinated support services that enhance literacy learning for students and educators

Roles and Capacities of States Review research on program/strategy effectiveness Set high expectations and provide guidelines and oversight to ensure strong implementation Disseminate materials, resources, and tools that prepare teachers to deliver high-quality instruction Provide technical assistance and support to implement core components Target intensive support for schools with the greatest need

Roles and Capacities of States Use data systems to track student performance, identify areas of need, design policies, and evaluate impact Establish guidelines for literacy coaches, interventionists, SLPs, etc. to support efforts Develop a pipeline of strong leaders and teachers Identify demonstration sites to serve as models Identify people in and out of the state who know about literacy to partner with schools 9

Literacy Capacity Survey

Support Transition to Common Standards Ensure the comprehensive literacy plan addresses the concepts and skills in the common core standards Adopt high-quality instructional materials that align to the standards Provide professional development and in-class support to help teachers implement the standards

Support Transition to Common Standards Educate parents and community members on the purpose, aim, and content of the standards Embed progress monitoring on the standards and make data reporting available to drive continuous improvement Make resources readily available online

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Include a comprehensive learning support system that addresses classroom-based approaches, family and community engagement, and interventions that facilitate literacy and learning with modifications for limited English-proficient children, children with disabilities, and disadvantaged children

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Provide clear actions in the literacy plan that address the needs of diverse learners Recommend resources that provide guidance and support (e.g., differentiated instructional strategies, technology tools, multisensory approaches)

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Extend learning time and opportunities (e.g., educationally-rich afterschool, summer learning) for students Ensure professional development enhances teacher capacity Establish better data and information reports about these children