Louisiana Cancer Control Partnership Evaluation of State Partners Donna L. Williams, MS, MPH And Melody M. Robinson, MPH
The Partnership Louisiana Cancer Control Partnership is a state wide coalition comprised of over 200 individuals and organizations. The coalition is managed by a small Executive Committee that is charged to insure that the goals and objectives of the state cancer control plan are met.
The Louisiana State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan was unveiled on August 20, 2004, The plan can viewed at
Partners in the Fight Against Cancer Louisiana Tumor Registry Louisiana Cancer Control Programs Tobacco Free Living Office of Addictive Disorders Louisiana Office of Public Health Tobacco Control Program Louisiana Tobacco Prevention Cessation Program Coalition for a Tobacco Free Louisiana Steps for a Healthier New Orleans American Cancer Society: Louisiana Office of Public Health Louisiana Health Care Review Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health Program Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Information Service Louisiana Cancer and Lung Trust Fund Board American Lung Association of Louisiana American College of Surgeons Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium of New Orleans Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Nutrition Section Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Louisiana - Mississippi Hospice & Palliative Care Organization Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans Institutions where Clinical trials are offered
Evaluation Process Each of the Lead partners identified a contact person, who served as a direct link to the organization The contact person was noticed by letter and follow up phone call by the program evaluator, that LCCP was in the process of conducting an evaluation of the partnership and the process of reaching the goals and objectives, for which their organization served as the lead partner
Evaluation Matrix for Goals and Objectives Evaluation Are the above strategy(ies) being addressed? When did you start working on this? If you have not started yet, what is the reason? What are the next steps required toward achieving this objective? Projected timeline until achievement? Which partners were involved in these steps? What are the barriers preventing accomplishment? How can these barriers be removed to facilitate moving forward? What can we do to help? What revisions to the strategies might be advisable or necessary to enable accomplishment? (ex.: extending timeline? reducing expectations? additional partners?)
Goals and Objectives American Cancer Society As the Lead Partner for these activities. Goal 9: To reduce the rate of obesity in Louisiana children and adults. Intermediate Outcome: By 2010, increase the number of Louisiana adults who participated in any physical activities during the past month from 66.5% to 73.2% (10% improvement, BRFSS, 2002). Objective 9.2: Increase opportunities for physical activity work site wellness programs for Louisiana residents by 2009 in ten major key employers Strategies: Implement ACS’s Working Well Program in identified work sites with 500 or more employees. Lead: American Cancer Society Partners: Louisiana Businesses and Employers, Louisiana Cancer Control Partnership, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Progress American Cancer Society As the Lead Partner for these activities. Goal 9: To reduce the rate of obesity in Louisiana children and adults. Intermediate Outcome: By 2010, increase the number of Louisiana adults who participated in any physical activities during the past month from 66.5% to 73.2% (10% improvement, BRFSS, 2002). Objective 9.2: Increase opportunities for physical activity work site wellness programs for Louisiana residents by 2009 in ten major key employers Strategies: Implement ACS’s Working Well Program in identified work sites with 500 or more employees. Lead: American Cancer Society Partners: Louisiana Businesses and Employers, Louisiana Cancer Control Partnership, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Are the above strategy(ies) being addressed? Yes. 17 companies have initiated the Working Well Program and 3 are active for life-programs When did you start working on this? September, 2003 If you have not started yet, what is the reason? N/A What are the next steps required toward achieving this objective? 15 new companies are identified for next year and 2 companies have surveyed employees on health benefits packages. Active for Life now available online and worksites are encouraged to use online participation Projected timeline until achievement? At least until August,2006 Which partners were involved in these steps? Employers What are the barriers preventing accomplishment? Limited time for relationship building with personnel at worksites. Can’t see immediate benefits of program. How can these barriers be removed to facilitate moving forward? Make sure materials are easy to read and user friendly. What revisions to the strategies might be advisable or necessary to enable accomplishment? (ex.: extending timeline? reducing expectations? additional partners?) None.
Results The evaluation of the lead partners for Louisiana Cancer Control Partnership began in August of 2005 Due to the effects of Hurricane Katrina, the evaluation of the partners was not completed until Spring of 2007 Many of the lead partners had turnover in staff, the focus of some of the partner organizations changed as a result of the storm
Results All of the lead partners reported progress on the goals and objectives that they were identified as the lead partner All reported favorably of their relationship to the partnership The partnership evaluation will be a key instrument in the redevelopment of Louisiana State Cancer Plan