Jerry P. Draayer, Project Director Judith H. LaRosa, Associate PD Joint Faculty Appointments Program... JFAP Louisiana Board of Regents National Science Foundation EPSCoR
Joint Faculty Appointments Program “... building nationally competitive research partnerships in science and engineering between research-ready and oriented departments at HB and MW colleges and universities across the State of Louisiana... ” NSF - EPSCoR “Partners for Progress” Regents Support Fund
Mission Statement Stimulate Systemic and Sustainable Improvements in the State’s Science and Technology Enterprise Enhance the Competitiveness of Researchers in Louisiana’s Institutions of Higher Education Teach Undergraduate and Graduate Students the Knowledge needed to be Information Age Wise
Strategic Goals Establish Nationally / Internationally Competitive Research Teams Build Historically Black / Majority White Research Partnerships Generate Inter-Institutional Educational Learning Opportunities
The Challenge... Louisiana Ranks Very Low in per Capita Federal Obligations to the States Best and Brightest Students are Leaving the State for Opportunities Outside Shrinking Economic Base for Building Stronger Research Infrastructure
Why ? Natural Resources Driven Economy Complex Higher Education System Other Reasons...
Available Options! Status Quo... Get Creative* * Joint Faculty Appointment Program “... building nationally competitive research partnerships in science and engineering between research-ready and oriented departments at HB and MW colleges and universities across the State of Louisiana...”
Key Features Historically Black / Majority White Partnerships Science & Engineering Based Research Program Regular Tenure Track Faculty Lines - Dual Hires Shared Research / Service / Teaching Obligations Mentor(s) with Established Reputation as Leader Institutional Support: Shared Program Resources Enhanced Educational Opportunities for Students Derived Benefits Shared Equally by the Partners
Benefit Package Half Million Dollar Startup Package Each New Hires named BoR EPSCoR Professors Opportunity, Opportunity, Opportunity... Moving Up Together
Program Timeline 3Q/95 NSF SI Award Notification 4Q/95 Statewide JFAP Solicitation 1Q/96 Question & Answer Period 2Q/96 External Review / Site Visit 2Q/96 Winning Teams Notification 3Q/96 JFAP Contract Development 4Q/96 Job Advertisements Released 1Q/97 Applicant Pool Screened & Cut 2Q/97 First Round of Offers Extended
Total Funds Requested / Available: $4,183,365 / $2,000,000 Participating Institutions (9 Proposal Received): Louisiana State University A&M (2) Southern University-BR(4) Southern University-NO(1) University of New Orleans(1) Grambling State University(3) Louisiana Tech University(2) Northeast Louisiana University(1) Tulane University(1) Xavier University(1) University of Southwestern Louisiana (2) Program Proposals
Reviewers Comments NSF Review: The Joint Appointments initiative is bold and creative.... Joint Appointments at HBCUs and MWCUs is an attempt to address this problem (dual system) in a way that can’t be evaded.... a bold initiative that if successful could serve as a model for the nation, but should it fail it would have been better never to have started... JFAP Panel: The panel believes the JFAP mode to be unique, bold, and potentially useful in several environments and cultures outside of Louisiana.... strongly encourages the BoR to institute programs which will manage the associated risks and therefore ensure the success of the JFAP.... the success of the JFAP is not only important and meaningful to Louisiana, but also to the nation.
Program Issues Tenure & Promotion... Teaching Assignments... Benefits / Compensation... Proposal Submissions... Institutional Resources... Educational Opportunities... Faculty Voting Rights... Termination for Cause... Student / Faculty Relations...
Partnering Institutions
No Risk, No Gain Guess Who?
12/97 12/98 LSU/SU - Physics & Astronomy (2) (2) LSU/SU - Mechanical Engineering (1) (2) SU/USL - Computer Science (1) (2) TU/XA - Bioenvironmental Sciences (0) (2) SUNO/UNO - Chemistry searching GSU/LaTech - Physics/Engineering searching LSU/SU - Civil Engineering reworking … ??? Status Report
Where are we... ? Building on Strength & Diversity!... Research Partnerships Research Partnerships...