Blast Into the Past: Louisiana Then and Now A Web Quest for 4 th Grade Subject: Social Studies, Language Arts Designed by: Shannon Chustz 4 th Grade ELA GLE: 26, 36, 41
Introduction Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Louisiana during a different time period? Would your life be any different in the 1850’s than it is now in 200(?)? What type of house would you live in? Who would you live with? What would your family do to earn money? What would you do for fun?
Task Imagine you are one of the following children living in Louisiana during the 1850’s: 1.I live in a slave cabin with three sisters and two brothers. 2.I live in a grand plantation house. 3.My father is a store manager on a sugar plantation.
The Process Blast into the past to research the following: Visit local Louisiana web sites Visit local Louisiana web sites Compare 1850’s rural Louisiana with the present Louisiana Compare 1850’s rural Louisiana with the present Louisiana Learn about architecture (building structures), textiles (clothing),, and tools from the past Learn about architecture (building structures), textiles (clothing),, and tools from the past Learn about people’s daily lives. Learn about people’s jobs, family and social life. Learn about people’s daily lives. Learn about people’s jobs, family and social life. 1. Pretend it is the year 1850, write a journal entry (2-3 paragraphs) about you and your family life. 2. Visit websites to find pictures from the Internet to display for your presentation. Internet References: Visit the LSU Rural Life Museum LSU Rural Life MuseumLSU Rural Life Museum Take a virtual tour of the WBR Museum Take a virtual tour of the WBR Museum Visit the Acadians of Louisiana Acadians of LouisianaAcadians of Louisiana Visit Life on a Plantation Life on a PlantationLife on a Plantation Other References: Family Members Library References 3. Write a present day (200(?)) journal entry about your life. 4. Present your research to the class using a PowerPoint presentation. 4. Think about the following to help with your PowerPoint presentation: Was everyday life easier or more difficult in rural Louisiana during the 1850’s? What job would you like to have if you lived in rural Louisiana during the 1850’s? Name at least three things that have changed between the 1850’s and the present? Would you have enjoyed living in rural Louisiana during the 1850’s? Which do you prefer to live in, rural Louisiana 1850 or rural Louisiana 2005? Why?
Evaluation The project is worth a total of 250 points Photographs/Artwork/Graphics – 50 Points 1850 Journal Entry – 50 Points 200(?) Journal Entry – 50 Points PowerPoint Presentation – 100 Points Make sure your work is neat and organized. Remember others must understand your work. Make sure you can clearly explain your presentation and answer any questions about your presentation. GOOD LUCK !
Conclusion In the beginning of this assignment you were asked to travel back in time and imagine you were a child living in rural Louisiana in the 1850’s. You had to explore the rural 1850’s and compare that time period to the present. You were asked to write a journal entry about your life in 1850 and your life in 200(?). You have learned what it was like to live during the time of your great – great grandparents. You have learned the jobs people had and how different families lived in a different time.
Credits and References Acadians of Louisiana LSU Rural Life Museum Plantation Life West Baton Rouge Museum –