NATURAL DISASTERS Documentary g’ gymnasiou 2011 E4-Krokou
TOPICS PRESENTED: 1.AVALANCHES Katerina Hatzistamati 2. HEAT WAVES Fenia Papadopoulou 3. LIMNIC ERUPTIONS Tasos Haskaris 4. FLOODS Victor Markopoulos 5. BLIZZARDS Aggeliki Spetsieri
6. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Georgos Vojiatsis 7. SPACE DISASTERS Stephanos Markopoulos 8. TROPICAL CYCLONIC STORMS Karolos Korfiatis 9. TORNADOES Marianna Aggelopoulou 10. TSUNAMIS Peny Dionissioti
Lake Nyos
consequences consequences
Natural Disasters - Floods by Victor Markopoulos
Natural Disasters Blizzard Aggeliki Spetsieri G2’/G
Space Disasters
Vladimir Komarov (Soyuz 1) RUSSIAN SPACE PROGRAM
Wreckage of Soyuz 1
Soyuz 1 after
Soyuz 11 Patch
Soyuz 11 Crew
Soyuz 11 Spacecraft
Challenger Crew NASA
Jay Greene at his console after the breakup of Challenger
Gray smoke escaping from the right side
Ice on the launch tower hours before Challenger launch
Space Shuttle Columbia Columbia lifting off on its final mission. The light-coloured triangle visible at the base of the strut is the Left Bipod Foam Ramp. The crew of STS-107 on launch day
Columbia at approximately Debris is already starting to come off from the left wing. Columbia debris (in red, orange, and yellow) detected by National Weather Service radar over Texas and Louisiana
Challenger begins to disintegrate.
Challenger explosion
Tropical Cyclonic Storms Hurricanes Made by Karolos Korfiatis
Hurricanes Dangerous or not?
More info…
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