Physical Characteristics Male panthers are up to seven feet long. Females are six feet long. Male panthers weigh 130 lbs.. Females weigh lbs.. Panthers color is are brown, black, and gray.
LIFESPAN Panthers live about years.
EATING HABITS\DIET Panthers are carnivores. They eat white tail deer,birds,feral hogs,rabbits, raccoons, and armadillos'.
POPULATION There are only about adults left. Females only have 1-4 kittens at a time.
ENDANGERED BECAUSE Panthers are endangered because of panthers lost their habitat, fragmentation, and poisoning.
ADAPTATIONS Panthers use strong legs to run fast. o Panthers use ears to hear prey well. o Panthers use teeth to chew and tear into its pray.
FUN FACTS Panthers sometimes kill small live stock like dogs, and cats. Panthers sounds are chirps,peeps, whistles, purrs, moans, and growls, and hisses.
HABITAT/RANGE Panthers live in the South Eastern United Stats, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississppi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and parts of Tennesses. They live in forests, prairies, and swamps.
REFERENCE DEFENDERS OF THE WILD panther- pictures/black- panther-photos.php panther- pictures/black- panther-photos.php