“How-To Hit A Baseball” Starring Zach S. And Patrick L.
Introduction Would you like to be the next home run king, like Barry Bonds?
Materials Baseball bat Baseball Pitcher or a hitting machine [to throw the ball]
Stance Bend your knees. If you’re right handed then put your right elbow up. If you’re left handed then put your left elbow up. Put your chin almost to your shoulder. Keep your eye on the pitcher.
Swinging The Bat Raise your hands up on the bat Swing when the ball is about a half foot away
Hitting the Ball Always swing through the ball And always a full motion
Caution Never swing the bat when anyone is around because if you hit someone it could injure them. Never go crazy with the bat because if you hit someone it could injure them.
Conclusion Now that you know how to hit a baseball, go and show your parents the serious skills you’ve learned.