Ebben et al Strength & conditioning practices of major league baseball strength and conditioning coaches. J Str & Con Res. 19(3), % employ plyometrics 85.7% follow a periodised plan Squat & lunge variations were top priorities 23.8% use olympic lifts 29% “guestimated” training loads CURRENT PRACTICES
Pitching/throwing: Kinetic link of sequential movements beginning at the feet & ending at the hand 9000 o /sec int rot at shoulder 50% of force d/t trunk rot IR’s develop force, ER’s are the brake MOVEMENT ANALYSIS
Batting: Similar importance of torso rot to pitching Force generation via lower body & trunk Peak angular velocities of 2437 o /sec (college players) Running: Alactic (phosphate) dominance Movements are lateral & at different angles Emphasis on acceleration/deceleration MOVEMENT ANALYSIS
Starting strength & explosive strength (olympic variations) Avoid deceleration phase by “letting go” of training implement (med ball, plyo power). This also enhanced motor-unit recruitment Be aware of training volumes in-season Positional considerations (batters v’s pitchers) Med ball exercises recommended by Ebben et al May need to deal with preconceived beliefs of athletes STAC IMPLICATIONS
Ebben et al. 2006
SPEED SPECIFICITY Weatherly & Schinck, 1996
MLB VARIABLES Ebben et al. 2005
Positives Use of power/plyo in warm up Volume is not excessive (180 lifts/workout max) Variety – 3-day split (avoidance of boredom & OUI’s) Movement specificity (skater jump, med ball routine) Posture specificity (ground-based, CKC) Prehab (wall angel, bodyblade) Is multimodal (med balls, plyo, weights, body weight) ANALYSIS OF QAS PROGRAM
Negatives 3 x 10RM for all core exercises? Time under tension is too long for most exercises (speed specificity graph) Absence of speed work Tempo & recovery not specified Possible role for weighted implements & contrast/complex loading? Warm-up is too long & is often not completed Too many saggital plane exercises (2 frontal plane & 1 transverse in total) ANALYSIS OF QAS PROGRAM
FUTURE TRENDS Ebben et al. 2005
Ebben, W.P., Hintz, M.J. and Simenz, C.J Strength & conditioning practices of major league baseball strength & conditioning coaches. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.19(3), Ebben, P.E., Fotsch, A. and Hartz, K.K Multimode resistance training to improve baseball batting power. NSCA. 28(3), Weatherly, J & Schinck, C Concepts for baseball conditioning. Strength & Conditioning. 18(2), REFERENCES