How an 85 mph pitcher can throw 93 mph using math
Using ratios Convert mph to ft/sec 1 mph= 5280 f f f ft/sec 3600 Measure the distance the ball travels 60 ft 6 inches (60.5 ft) Determine how many seconds it takes the ball to reach home plate distance = seconds to home plate ft./sec
Calculations How many seconds does it take an 85mph pitch to get to home plate? How many seconds does it take an 85mph pitch to get to home plate? 85mph= (85)(5280/3600)ft/sec 85mph= (85)(5280/3600)ft/sec ft/sec Time to home plate=60.5/ Time to home plate=60.5/ seconds 60.5 feet
The Flaws Height of the mound, pitcher, and release point Height of strike zone 10 inches 74 inches 6 inches 24 inches
The Trigonometry of pitching Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for x 60.5 ft. x ft. 5.5 ft. 222 a b c
The Trigonometry of pitching Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for x 60.5 ft. x ft. b c 5.5 ft. a = x 2 x = ft
Calculations Actual time to home plate 60.75/ =.487 seconds Appears as an 84 mph fastball to the batter
60 90 inches x inches 90(cos60) = xx = 45 inches or 3.75 ft ft ft 7.5 ft. 6.5 ft 6.5 – 2 = 4.5 ft. 4.5 ft ft.
Calculations Actual time to home Plate 56.9/ =.4564 Appears as an 90 mph fastball to the batter
ft. 7.5cos(45) = x x 5.5 ft = x5.5 ft – 5.5 = 55 ft 55 ft. 5.5 – 2 = 3.5 ft. 3.5 ft ft.
Calculations Actual time to home plate 55.1/ = /.4419 = ft/sec * = 93.3 mph 93.3 mph