BASEBALL 電機 2B B 黃泓文 電機 2B B 彭玉彬
Index Introduction Introduction History of Baseball History of Baseball Rules Rules Umpire Umpire Equipment Equipment Field Field Statistics Statistics Present situation Present situation Baseball of the world Baseball of the world Reference Reference
Introduction Baseball is similar to softball. At least nine players of a team. Two teams take turns to offend and defend in nine games or more games.
History of Baseball Since 18th century Most people think that baseball is came from cricket. In 1846, first formal baseball game played at New Jersey.
Rules Strikeout( 三振 ):3strikeball or strikeball+foulball=3 Flyout:the ball hit by batter catch by fielder before land. free advance to first base (保送): 4 ball Tagout:the runner is touched by a fielder before the runner step on base.
Umpire There are six umpires in a game.
The Sign of umpire
Equipment baseball bat (86~106cm) professional games just use wooden bat. amateur games can use metallic bat ball glove
Field The foul lines extend forward from home plate at 45-degree angles. The 90-degree area within the foul lines is referred to as fair territory The 270-degree area outside them is foul territory The part of the field enclosed by the bases and several yards beyond them is the infield; the area farther beyond the infield is the outfield.
Field In the middle of the infield is a raised pitcher's mound with a rectangular rubber plate at its center. The outer boundary of the outfield is typically demarcated by a raised fence.
Field ’ s Semantic Mapping
Statistics The basic batting statistics include (Batting Average, AVG): 安打數/打數 安打打數 (On-Base Percentage, OBP ):( 安打 + 四壞保 送 + 觸身球) / (打數 + 四壞保送 + 觸身球 + 高飛 犧牲打) 四壞保 送 觸身球 高飛 犧牲打 (Slugging Percentage, SLG): 壘打數/打數 壘打數 (On-Base percentage Plus Slugging percentage, OPS):SLG+OBP
Statistics Steal Base (SB): 盜壘成功/盜壘失敗 盜壘 The basic pitching statistics include Earned Run Average (ERA): (自責分/局數) *9自責分 Strikeouts per 9 Innings Pitched (K/9IP) Base on Balls per 9 InningsPitched(BB/9IP) WHIP: ,(被安打 + 保送)/局數 GO/AO: 滾地球出局/飛球出局
Statistics The statistics of the defense include RF ( Range Factor ) :( 刺殺數 + 助殺數) / (防守局數/ 9 ) ZR ( Zone Rating ): 計算方式 1. 他在責任範圍內製造的出局數 2. 他在責任範圍外製造的出局數 3. 製造雙殺數。 The total number/balls in zone=ZR
Present situation A varsity baseball team is an established part of physical education departments at most high schools and colleges in the United States.physical education Baseball has had a broad impact on popular culture, both in the United States and elsewhere. Baseball has inspired many works of art and entertainment.
Baseball of the world country Rank of baseball 1.Cuba 2.Korea 3.Japan 4.U.S.A 5.Taiwan 6.Holland 7.Mexico 8.Canada 9.Australia 10.Puerto Rico