Kindergarten Library Skills Lesson #9 K.2.3 Makes predictions about what will happen next in the story. Suggested Books Laura Numeroff Books There Was An Old Lady Series Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes - Litwin The Little Red Hen - McQueen Rooster's Off To See The World - Carle Tuesday - Weisner
Sue and her mom were going to spend the day together. They were going to go play at the park. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 1.
Ben and his friends like to play in the snow. They got dressed in their winter clothes. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 2.
The teacher gave each student a pencil and a piece of paper. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 3.
The batter is up to bat. The pitcher throws the baseball. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 4.
Sally planted flower seeds in her flower garden. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 5.
Jack got a red kite for his birthday. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 6.
Grandma got a book from the library. She and Sally sat on the couch. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 7.
Tom got a new sand pail and shovel. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 8.
I am going to bed. I got my pajamas on. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 9.
Kate washed her doll’s clothes. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 10.
Jenny went camping with her family. They unpacked the tent from the car. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 11.
I ride the school bus to school every day. I see my bus coming down the road. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 12.
Mom made blueberry pancakes for me before I went to school. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 13.
Matt takes a bath every night before he goes to bed. He likes bubbles. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 14.
Todd went out to dinner with his family. He loves spaghetti. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 15.
My daddy reads a story to me every night. My favorite book is about a princess. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 16.
The animals gather in the forest for the owl to read to them. The owl found a fairy tale book. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 17.
Jane wants to have a tea party. She makes tea and gets her doll dressed. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 18.
The family rented a scary movie. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 19.
The man took his saw into the woods. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 20.
Tommy got a big pumpkin at the farm to carve for Halloween. Predict what will happen next. a. b. 21.