Famous Scientists
Match your number to the person 1.Democritus 2.Newton 3.John Dalton 4.Michael faraday 5.Dmitri Mendeleev 6.James Clerk Maxwell 7.Sir William Crookes 8.GJ Stoney
9.Wilheln Roentgen 10. Henri Bacquerel 11.JJ Thompson 12. Ernest Rutherford 13.Marie Curie 14. Soddy 15.Max Planck 16.Albert Einstein
17.Hans Geiger 18.R. A. Milliken 19.HGJ Moseley 20.Niels Bohr 21. de Broglie 22.Heisenberg 23.Schrondenger 24.Paul Dirac 25.James Chadwick 26.Lise Meitner Hahn 27.Glenn Seaborg 28.Enrico Fermi
Baseball Card Project You will create a baseball card for your famous scientist What does it look like? A baseball card has 2 sides with information The front side is visual The back side is informational Requirements: You must use at least one credible source. NO WIKIPEDIA
Front of the Card picture of the person something to do with their experiment a formula that made them famous Niels Bohr Physicist
Back of the Card Describe the contribution to science that made the person famous Include the date of the scientific theory Include a citation from your source (s) Niels Bohr was a physicist in Denmark 1913 – Bohr published expanded theory of the atom This explained that electrons traveled in certain successively Larger orbits. Bohr then published a theory on atoms emitting radiation. This showed electrons jumping from a higher energy level to a Lower energy level and emitting light. This later became known As Quantum Mechanics 1922 – Bohr won the Noble Prize in Physics for his work on Atomic Structure. Source: Ottaviani, Jim. Suspended In Language: Niels Bohr's Life, Discoveries, And The Century He Shaped Ann Arbor, MI. GT Labs, 2004.