Katahdin Region Recreation Millinocket, East Millinocket and Medway 2014
Facilities & Staff Recreation Complex at Stearns High School Swimming Pool Supervise 55 Summer Employees in tri town area (18 from Millinocket) 1 seasonal employee shared with Public Works. He works from April 1 to Nov. 30 th. Maintain 5 open playground areas in Millinocket.
Services All programs are evaluated each year and we have changed how we provide recreational services to fit the needs of each community. We have eliminated or decreased some programs as well as working with outside agencies to develop lifelong programs with no financial obligation. We work closely with Little League, Little Giant Football, Jr. Pro Basketball, Hillcrest Golf Course, Transition Team, Katahdin Area Partnership, local Police, Public Works and Wastewater departments.
Services Continued Recreation writes and administers the Municipal Snowmobile Grants for three local snowmobile clubs. This present year, the grants total over $310,000 which is reimbursed 70% by the State. Over the past ten years, we have decreased the budget by 25% while increasing programming. We organize and train recreation staff in pool and waterfront care and operation. We include public works and wastewater in any required training.
Current Programs Community Programs Senior Citizen Monthly Meals Senior Citizen Card Games on Mondays Halloween Trick or Treating Halloween Treats in Schools Holiday Celebrations at the Schools Santa Calling Kayak and Canoe Usage Supervised Playgrounds Arts and Crafts-Summer
Summer Lunch Program Playground Trips-Summer Vacation Trips during School Year Vacation Open Gyms Supervised Skating Rink Easter Egg Hunt Community Programs Continued
Organized Youth Programs Co-Ed Softball Youth Traveling Soccer Grades 4-6 Youth Soccer Grades K-3 Basketball Grades K – 2 Youth Basketball Grades 3-6 Traveling Youth Basketball Youth Cheering Grades 3-6
Invitational Basketball Tournament Boys & Girls Traveling B-ball Teams Grades 5-6 Indoor Soccer Grades K-6-Winter Mother Son Dance Father Daughter Dance Youth Softball Grades 3-6 Spring Little League Spring-Summer Farm League Spring-Summer T-Ball Spring-Summer Youth Programs Continued
Mt. Katahdin Basketball Camp-Summer Football Camp-Summer Soccer Camp-Summer Summer Basketball Festival Boys & Girls High School Summer Basketball Supervised Playgrounds Summer Arts & Crafts Summer Summer Lunch Program Swimming Lessons-Summer Theater - Summer Co-Ed Softball-Summer Youth Programs Continued
Sponsor of Programs Quilting Karate Little Giant Football Flag Football Hoop Classic Traveling Basketball Teams Grade 7-8 Summer League Baseball ages 14 – 17 American Legion Baseball Cross Country Skiing-Hillcrest Golf Course Little League
Recreation Administration Community Decorations Field Preparation for games Mowing Facility Maintenance Umpire Classes CPR Classes First Aid Classes Lifeguard Classes Water Safety Classes Required Staff Training: bloodborne pathogens, sexual harrassment, fire extinguisher, etc...
Administration Winterizing Recreational Facilities Organize and Supervise Children’s Days-July 4 th End of Summer Lunch Program 4 th of July Fireworks Sun Protection Grants Winterfest Snowmobile Grants-Write and Administer Personnel Management Committee Administration Dept. of Labor Requirements Confined Space Training with Wastewater Work with Katahdin Area Partnership Work with Transition Team
Due to decreasing population and number of children in each community, the present programs would not be able to be offered by any one community and succeeds because of the tri-town effort.
Additional Information We have 3 people on staff that are certified pool operators, due to federal laws that require us to have a C.P.O. on staff anytime the pool is open. In addition, Jody Nelson and I are certified in confined space training.