Investigators: Leon Blazer Jerad Thompson
Purpose: Analyze current methods of teaching pitching and serving using visual aids Desired Effects Rope placed 14 inches above top tape of net (102 inches from ground String placed so that is hangs 16 inches above the front of home plate.
Problems with Game-like transfer
Possible Solution Laser device Benefit (sound vs. visual) Possible downsides Marketable?
Methods: Participants How Selected? Set-up for each study Rope/String, Panasonic Handi-Cam, Canon GL2 digital camcorder, 2 Dell laptops, Kinovea
Serving 8-12 Participants 8 days of filming Target 200 serves with and without visual aid (rope) Rope placed 102 inches from ground or approximately 14 inches above top tape of volleyball net Rope spans two courts, analysis only on court nearest to net cam Two cameras used: Sync cameras to record individual serving results After trial period, employ use of laser device which will give aural (sound) feedback to alert server if target serve height is reached
234 total serves (151 with rope, 83 without)
Differences with/without rope Problems encountered Why less data points Video speed problems Data capabilities of Kinovea Frame advance Camera Set-up
Camera Set-up
Differences with/without rope Problems encountered Why less data points Video speed problems Data capabilities of Kinovea Frame advance Camera Set-up Data Mapping
Data Mapping