Projectile Motion Review Game


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Presentation transcript:

Projectile Motion Review Game Room Number: 941253

Question #1 Enter the first names of your group members.

Question # 2 of 16 A bowling ball and a golf ball are dropped from the same height at the same time. Which one would hit the ground first? A. the bowling ball B. the golf ball C. both D. not enough information to tell

Question # 3 of 16 Two baseballs are dropped at the same time from different heights. Baseball 1 is dropped from 2m and baseball 2 is dropped from 4m. Which will hit the ground first? A. baseball 1 B. baseball 2 C. both D. not enough information to tell

Question # 4 of 16 A softball is dropped at the same exact time another thrown downward. Which will hit the ground first? A. the softball that is dropped B. the softball that is thrown downward. C. both D. not enough information to tell

Question # 5 of 16 Each second that an object free falls, the distance… A. remains constant B. decreases C. increases D. Not enough information to tell

Question # 6 of 16 Each second that an object free falls the velocity… A. remains constant B. decreases C. increases D. Not enough information to tell

Question # 7 of 16 The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is… A. 9.8 m/s B. 9.8 s C. 9.8 m D. 9.8 m/s/s

Question # 8 of 16 A baseball is dropped from a 50 m building. How long does it take to reach the ground? A. 10.2 s B. 3.2 s C. 6.3 s D. 6.7 s

Question # 9 of 16 As egg is dropped from the top of the school. It takes 3 seconds to reach the ground. How tall is the school? A. 88.2 m B. 14.7 m C. 47.1 m D. 44.1 m

Question # 10 of 16 A pumpkin is thrown straight down off a cliff with a velocity of 4m/s. How fast will it be going after 2 seconds? A. 19.6 m/s B. 23.6 m/s C. 15.6 m/s D. 43.2 m/s

Question # 11 of 16 A softball is thrown straight upward with a speed of 8m/s. It takes 3 seconds to reach the top of its trajectory. How far up does it go? A. 68.1 m B. 44.1 m C. 38.7 m D. 99.2 m

Question # 12 of 16 Two marbles roll off the edge of a table. Marble 1 has as speed of 5 m/s and marble 2 has a speed of 9m/s. Which one will land further away from the table? A. Marble 1 B. Marble 2 C. They will land in the same spot D. Not enough information to tell

Question # 13 of 16 A baseball is thrown to a batter. As the baseball falls toward the batter the vertical velocity… A. remains the same B. increases C. decreases D. not enough information to tell

Question # 14 of 16 A baseball is thrown to a batter. As the baseball falls toward the batter the horizontal velocity… A. remains the same B. increases C. decrease D. not enough information to tell

Question # 15 of 16 A diver runs at 5 m/s and jumps out from the edge of a cliff into the water below. She reaches the water 1.5 seconds later. How tall was the cliff? A. 11.0 m B. 18.5 m C. 7.5 m D. 14.9 m

Question # 16 of 16 A marble with a speed of 2.3 m/s rolls of a 0.8 m high table and lands on the floor 0.5 seconds later. How far away from the table did it land? A. 1.8 m B. 2.9 m C. 1.2 m D. 4.6 m