Fall 2012 General Admissions information FTF Applications 6638Transfer Applications 3021 FTF Admits4260Transfer Admits1501 FTF Enrolled1366Transfer Enrolled 801 Total Applications for the year 11,106 Numbers include our Antelope Valley Campus located in Lancaster, Ca.
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS & MAJORS POPULAR MAJORS Biology Business Administration Criminal Justice Liberal Studies Nursing Psychology NEW PROGRAMS BA in Global Intelligence & National Security BS in Human Biological Science BS in Computer Engineering BS in Electrical Engineering BS in Engineering Sciences Concentration in Agricultural Business FOUR SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF ART & HUMANITIES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS & ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & EDUCATION
Athletics & Housing Women’s Sports: Basketball Cross Country Golf Sand Volleyball Soccer Softball Swimming & Diving Track & Field Volleyball Water Polo Men’s Sports: Baseball Basketball Golf Soccer Swimming & Diving Track & Field Wrestling Current housing: 6 three story coed residential halls Freshman Priority Housing First Year Experience Living Learning Communities Meal Plan Options Odyssey Management Online System – One stop shop to apply, pay fees, choose roommates, request maintenance, etc. Future housing will include semi-suites Winter Student Housing & Residential Life NCAA Division I Athletics
CAMPUS SELECTION PROCESS Serve the State of California Not an impacted campus Nursing is the only impacted major on campus Fall 2015 applications accepted Jan 2 – March 6, 2015 for BSN Applications accepted Feb 1 – March 31, 2015 for RN to BSN FTF admitted by meeting minimum HS CSU eligibility requirements Complete “a-g” college prep courses with C grade or better Meet eligibility index score (SAT/ACT) Applicants with 3.00 gpa or higher are not required to submit test scores to establish eligibility Transfer Students Transfer students must earn minimum 60 units by term applied for “C” grade or higher required in Golden 4 courses Overall gpa of all units attempted must be at least 2.00 Associate Degrees for Transfer (SB 1440) Primary agreement with Bakersfield College 22 majors allowed with AAT Students pre-advised once final transcripts are received CSUB transition class designed for transfer students
UNIVERSITY STATISTICS Average GPA for FTF3.2 Average SAT ScoresSAT 912 Average ACT ScoresACT 19 FTF Population18% Transfer Population10% Average Age of Students23 Female Students67% Male Students33% Average Unit Load14 Units
APPLICATION INFORMATION & DATES Please note. Students should - *Send official transcript to each campus upon request *Send test results (SAT, ACT, AP) to each campus as soon as they are available *Admitted students to CSUB are notified of status on a Rolling Basis through mail *Applicants will be directed to the CSUB Self Service Portal and assigned an ID number to view their current admissions status October 1 – November 30 -Priority application filing period March 2 nd - FAFSA Priority Filing Deadline March 15 th - Freshman Scholarship Application Deadline - May 1 st -Intent to Enroll form and deposit of $100 -Deposit applied toward registration fees -Non-refundable -Fee waiver available May 15 th - Housing Deadline - Application fee is $50 (nonrefundable) -Reserve room $300 down payment + application fee ($50)= $ June - August - Early Start Program - Student will be notified by & US mail July 15 th -Final transcripts to Admissions & Records Students may be dropped if final copies are not received by this date
Scholarships CSUB offers well over 100 scholarships for students They are accessible via Come take a Tour! Contact University Outreach at Come and see… *Our new Housing facility *Our new state of the art Student Recreation Center Celebrate CSUB! (Preview Day) April 25, 2015 Contact University Outreach at
CONTACT INFORMATION Admissions & Records Athletics Early Start Program EOP Financial Aid Housing New Student Orientation Students with Disabilities Testing Center University Outreach & Campus Tours