Baseball Mechanic Tutorial This is a basic system, more detailed mechanics will be covered in the meetings. The following tutorial is for baseball 2 man mechanics Press ESC to exit at anytime THIS SYSTEM IS ONLY TO PUT YOU IN THE RIGHT POSITIONS TO START AND WHEN A BALL IS PUT IN PLAY! YOU STILL HAVE TO LEARN TO USE YOUR EYES PROPERLY TO CALL PITCHES AND PLAYS AT THE BASES. ALWAYS STUDY THE RULES.
Plate Mechanics Has Catch - No Catch in their area Has STRIKE – BALL. Has all FAIR-FOUL calls unless U2 in A Base Mechanics Has his touches and tag up responsibilities of 3rd Has calls on bases, unless it is a rotation to third Has tag up and touch responsibilities of 1st and 2nd Help with check swing calls Should observe play and Only offer help when asked by partner.
U1U2 This is called the “A” position This is called the “B” position U2 This is called the “C” position There are 3 starting positions for the Base Umpire An imaginary line from home plate by the edge of the mound U2 60’ bases U2 90’ bases
U1 The working area Once the ball is put into play, get to the working area. Let the ball take you to the play.
Positioning No runner PU1 Start behind 1 st base in foul territory Start in the “A” position From here the U1 can move into fair territory to get an angle for plays at first. From here the U1 can buttonhook inside to watch the tag at 1 st and take runner to 2 nd on a base hit. U1 RR
Positioning Runner at 1 st Runners on 1 st and 3 rd P R Start in the “B” position The working area U1 Step up and face the ball. Stay in working are, let ball take you. U1U1 After ball is put in play, get into working area
Positioning P Start in the “C” position Runners at 2nd & 3rd Bases Loaded Runner 2nd RRRR The working area U2 After ball is put in play, get into working area Step up and face the ball. Stay in working area, let ball take you.
Fly Ball position PP Move as far as needed to make the call, from the working area, never cross base lines to see a catch. When the Fly ball is close to the foul line, the Plate umpire should be straddling the foul line. The Base Umpire has all tag up responsibilities and touch responsibilities of first and second Always try to move to get a good angle The plate umpire has all touches and tag up at third
U1U2 Fly Ball Coverage w/ runners RFLF R SS2 nd Plate Umpire has catch-no catch calls and fair foul calls from LF or RF to the foul lines. Move perpendicular to ball Base Umpire has ALL catch-no catch responsibility in the imaginary V U2 From 60’ starting position, get into working area for Fly ball coverage. U1
U2U1 Straddle foul line as quickly as possible Bounding Ball Coverage w/ no runners Bounding ball FAIR BALL FOUL BALL PU has call to front of the base Plate Umpire makes call
U2U1 Plate Umpire trails runner to ½ way to start of running lane Exit to the left of the catcher Buttonhook inside to see BR touch 1 st PU heads back home to take call Ground ball to Outfield w/ no runners Take runner to 2 nd if he continues Take runner to 3 rd if he continues Start in foul territory feet behind 1 st base BBR U2
Responsibilities and Positions for Ground Ball Plate Umpire should be ready to move up the lines. Base Umpire should always position himself according to runners. ALWAYS GET INSIDE THE DIAMOND to the Working Area!!!
U1U2 Plate Umpire trails runner to ¼ way to start of running lane, help on swipes and pulled foot. Ground ball to Infield w/ no runners B Move enough to maintain 90 degree angle. Not to close.
U1U2 Go up 3 rd base line, communicate to partner. Follow ball and watch for play at 2 nd If R continues to 3 rd, be prepared to call play on BR at 2 nd PU is prepared to go to home for call U1 PU will take call at 3rd Runner at 1 st w/ ground ball to outfield RBBRR U2
U1U2 Go up 3 rd base line but watch for touch of third Runners on 1 st & 2 nd w/ ground ball to outfield RRB U1 PU heads back home to take call BU has calls at all bases Be prepared to call play on R at 2 nd or BR at 1 st U2
P Runners on 1 st & 2 nd w/ ground ball to infield RRB PU will stay at home plate BU has calls at all bases Be prepared to call play on R at 2 nd or 3rd and BR at 1 st BU goes to play U2
U1U2 Runners on 1 st & 3 nd w/ ground ball to infield RRB PU will stay at home plate BU has calls at all bases Be prepared to call play on R at 2 nd or 3rd or BR at 1 st BU goes to play U2
Baseball Mechanic Tutorial Communicate Know your responsibility Let the ball take you to a play Get to the working area Hustle Press ESC to exit at anytime