Project Managers Wear Suits Camouflage for the internet era The Human Interface Consultancy Ltd Contact:
Projects Go Wrong Reasons for project failure Scope changes Requirements volatility Poor communication Impossible/unrealistic timescales Etc.
Resolution We know what we need to know Process Plans and planning Estimation Risk management Change management Etc.
So… So we know the problems We know the solutions that could be applied Question Why don’t they consistently deliver the results that we need? Why can’t we sell them to others?
People that’s the answer! If techniques can’t / don’t help and process is unfriendly Then we need to polish up on our people skills Team Building Collaboration Conflict management Motivational theory Etc.
And it … Still doesn’t work all of the time Web developments Young teams Fast track attempts at delivery Virtual teams Etc.
Why should the devil have all of the good music? (misquote) All of us will be aware of XP and the Agile movement We’ll have different views about what we think about it But lets consider two things No techie ever says no to it (?) It’s taking off like a train ….
Not the ‘great debate’ Don’t want to judge XP Pair programming Test first programming Requirements tests on the back of each card
Not just reinventing wheels … Cleaning them up and selling them to a new audience as ‘their thing’ Best practice so that ‘they’ want it done to them
Time to lose the suits Our challenge Present Project Management so it looks and feels like a modern skill Describe it in a language (context) that today's developers and project team members think is relevant and pertinent to them
Project Management Training and Delivery We are right … We just don’t sound like it to them! The issue: Not content (process, technique, people skills) But context (current, cool and with a good vibe)
Actions Am I saying that we should wear shorts and a baseball cap? But we must understand the issues of environment, models and expectations that we generate looking like we do and sounding like we do!
Silver Bullets? Practicalities of training Need for real world experience Not a theoretical subject Integrity and honesty Bridging the gaps
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