All about me!
Hobbies Fishing: I like fishing because I think it is relaxing and fun, and the reward when you catch a fish can only be explained when you catch one. Especially when you get to eat it for dinner that night! Sketching: I like sketching because I think it’s fun because I really like art and I am pretty good at it. Making Movies: I like making movies and acting because I like the thrill and the enjoyment. I like filming and acting because it’s a challenge and it’s fun to put movies together with friends.
Favorite Foods I like lots of Italian foods, meatball sub, pizza, garlic bread (don’t even get me started on how much I LOVE garlic bread), and stuff like that. Asia food is yummy too. Especially going to a Chinese buffet! My favorite is Chicken and duck sauce, which one was my friend’s moms cooks with rice. Mmmm! Seafood!!!!!!!!!!! Shrimp, Crab, fish, lobster, I love it all!
Favorite Sports Baseball: This game since a little kid, from tee ball to little league, still is one of my favorite games. Soccer/football: I love the fact you have to you team mates to pass and dribble a ball up and down the field and kick them pass a goalie. I loved to play foosball with my dad all the time and soccer is the live version. Right-defense is my favorite position. Skiing: I started skiing at Blue Knob and have become pretty good. I’ve done a few black diamonds but not double black diamonds. I love feeling the breeze while skiing down the mountain, even though it’s freezing out.
What I do on the weekend I like to hang out with my neighbors. We play the Frisbee Golf course I have set up in my yard, video games, and some different games. I also like to hang out with my dad since I don’t get to see him too much on the week days. READCourse Documents, Public Speaking, Delivering the Speech JOURNALDraft your speech in the journal for feedback READCourse Documents, Public Speaking, Delivering the Speech JOURNALDraft your speech in the journal for feedback
Movies I like I like Star Wars. I like the fantasy of it and all the action and fighting in it. I like Transformers. I think it is really cool, especially since I got the video game and I can understand all of the different characters, what they’re saying, and why they are blowing each other up. My all time favorite movie is The Bourne Series. It is an awesome movie about a guy trained to hunt people. He breaks away from them and completely forgets who he is an what he is doing. It’s really awesome because it has some fighting, is actually really realistic, very suspenseful, and just plain awesome. Plus, there are hardly and bad words, which is a big plus.
What kind of music I listen to I listen to mostly Christian rock and rap. I like the bands Firelight, Red, and Flame. Here are some of my favorite songs from these bands. Fireflight: Myself, You give me that feeling, and Unbreakable Red: All of them, but to name a few, Death of me, Feed the machine, and Forever. Flame: Goodness to Repentance, Power, and Go buck.
1 thing special about me I absolutely LOVE Greek Mythology. Whether it’s a 50 page book or 500 page book, I want to read it. They capture my attention and I love the stories. I will sit on a couch and read until I finish it. It’s one of my all time favorite subjects.