Anh Nguyen CIS:1055 Section :04
Social network has been used by employer to check out on their employee couple years from now and it becomes more popular. This is the first thing that employer could start to view and get a first sight with their employers. SOCIAL NETWORK
Easy to know about this person by a quick view of what they are doing or talking about in the social network. This is the place where employee would not hire or pretending to be nice so employer would have a good sight of who they are hiring and who they are dealing with.
The reddish flag is a statement use for most employers seem to be drugs, drinking, badmouthing former employers, and lying about one’s qualifications. there’s another good reason for checking out a candidate’s Facebook page before inviting them in for an interview: it may be a fairly accurate reflection of how good they’ll be at the job.
publicly available on those pages (photos, status updates, and conversations with friends) and then assigning each person a score for a number of qualities important to being a good employee, such as their degree of emotionally stability, conscientiousness, extroversion, intellectual curiosity and agreeableness
They could noticed through these public social network if their employee care about completing tasks, be fun to work with, be creative in problem solving, and be willing to kiss up when necessary.
And the most important part that employer used the social network to looking at is whether their employee establish company process or secret or not. Cause it might effect the benefit of the company. Some employer could have a clear and honest comment of their employers about his/her behavior at work in which employees would not tell them face to face.
Though social network, the employees and employers might erase the line of the boss and the worker to become a close friend. That helps their works become easier and more successful. Plus there is nothing to hire your employers when you post everything on Facebook without set it in private about your life.
Some companies that use Facebook and other social networking sites do not always use it to check up on a person before hiring them, but to either get to know the person better or make sure they won’t be hurting the company’s reputation. So there is nothing to worry about if you are not a mental person or criminal for your boss to look at your social network.
Like employers said about stalking their employees Facebook: “We don’t use it for weeding people out, but to get to know them a little better and to network with people”. This technique become more popular to hire a employee nowaday so no matter the employee like it or not they also need to beware of what they put out there in their social network because one day it might effect their career.
Employees-and-New-Hires-Alike.html Employees-and-New-Hires-Alike.html if-a-person-is-worth-hiring-and-how-social-media-snooping-firms-are-.html if-a-person-is-worth-hiring-and-how-social-media-snooping-firms-are-.html Enforcement.html Enforcement.html n&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1124&bih=633&tbm=isch&tbnid=5noCilbox2N0eM:&imgrefurl= /twenty- content/uploads/2009/03/grads1.jpg&w=425&h=237&ei=xyeKT7zoDIjY0QGb2Im0CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc& dur=433&sig= &page=1&tbnh=109&tbnw=196&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:79&tx=92&ty=45