FIELD BOTANY – Lecture 05 Dr. Donald P. Althoff LEC 05 Families – Part I
Botany in a Day Approach Looking for ___________ Wildflowers of North America by Venning is organized by family Recommends Plant Identification Terminology by Harris and Harris (you have it) has ID images by family…but mostly from Rocky Mtn. regionhttp://
Set I (________) Mustard family Mint family Parsley family Pea family (Bean) garlic mustard early winter cress wild mint Virginia mountain mint wild parsnip partridge pea
Mustard Family TAXONICALLY: _______________ (previously Cruciferae) annuals/biennal herbs and forbs well know species: broccoli = cabbage = cauliflower turnip = Chinese cabbage rapeseed common radish horseradish
Mustard Family flowering parts patterns Start from the outside and work in…. “outside” of flower: _______, usually green there are ________typically arranged in “__” or “__” pattern
garlic mustard hairy rock cress X – pattern H – pattern previously __________ family…translates to “cross”
Mustard Family “inside” flowering parts patterns _______—__ tall and __ short ( surround pistil that is usually taller than the stamen ) perennial pepperweed
Mustard Family “key” _______________________—4 tall and 2 short garlic mustard (A) black mustard (A) white mustard (A) Indian mustard (A) field mustard (rape) (A) watercress Dame’s rocket (A) cuckcoo-flower shepard’s purse (A) pepperweeds (A)
Dame’s rocket (A)cut-leaved toothwort field mustard (rape) (A) cuckcoo flower
Mustard Family All species of this family are _______…some eat “fruit”, many eat the leaves. Most species are considered ‘______’ (hence the many “alien” species noted already) Alien species do well at “_________” sites _____ fast, _____________ in the growing season…therefore ____ plants
Mustard Family – seed/seedpod mustard seed Shepard’s purse Many shapes and sizes. Seed pods “spilt” open from both sides to expose a clear membrane in the middle.
Mustard Family – seedpod shepard’s purse peppergrass All seedpods come from _______ on the flower stalk. garlic mustard
Mustard Family – use your senses Each has unique ______ and ______ General “mustardness” Can ID as a family member by _________ leaves and smelling them
Mint Family TAXONICALLY: ___________ (previously Labiatae) perennial herbs and forbs well know species: wild mint catnip purple dead-nettle henbit peppermint lavender
Mint Family stalk and leaf patterns Distinctive ________ stems Simple, ________ leaves
Mint Family stalk and leaf patterns CROSS-SECTION: distinctive __________ stem, with small pith/hollowness _________, simple leaves
Mint Family seed capsule Flower matures to a seed capsule containing 4 _______ Each nutlet contains __________ seeds
Mint Family –senses & seasons Each has unique _______ and ________ General “___________” quality to most (exceptions include water-horehounds and bugleweeds) Some are C 3 plants, some are C 4 plants ex. Heal-all Henbit ex. wild mint bugleweed water-horehound
Mint Family “key” Square stalks/stems, opposite leaves, often aromatic Virginia mountain wild mint white dead-nettle (A) purple giant hyssop curled mint (A) peppermint (A) spearmint (A) rough hedge-nettle gill-over-the-ground (A) (= ground ivy)
Mint Family flowering parts patterns ___________: __ long, __ short ___________: __ lobes up and __ down ____________
Mint Family flowering parts patterns 5 united petals: 2 lobes up and 3 down 4 stamens: 2 long, 2 short Note: ____________
common dittany Virginia mountain mint blue giant hyssop catnip
Bee-balm = Oswego tea Note: _________
Mint Family – use your senses Each has unique taste and smell General “mint-ness” from volatile oils (concentrated hydrophobic liquid) Can ID as a family member by crushing leaves and stalk and dried flowers…and smelling them
Parsley (Carrot) Family TAXONICALLY: __________ (previously Umbelliferae) annual, biennial, perennial herbs and forbs well know species: poison hemlock(A) caraway (A) wild carrot (Queen Anne’s lace)(A) yellow pipernel
Distinctive ____________ consisting of umbellets Parsley Family flower head patterns All stems of flower cluster radiate from __________ at end of stalk
All stems of flower cluster radiate from single point at end of stalk poison hemlock
Parsley Family key ID: “the single point” + umbel All stems of flower cluster radiate from _________ at end of stalk common yarrow > _ pt. Queen Anne’s lace
Distinctive _____________ Most species…especially two of the most dangerous: ___________ and _______ __________ Parsley Family stem patterns
Many are invasive (Queen Anne’s lace, poison hemlock) Many do well in “moist” waste areas (ex. poison hemlock and water hemlock) Some are C 3 plants, some are C 4 plants Parsley Family Miscellaneous
Some edible, some not (i.e. poisonous) _____________ of some can be lethal Some can case __________ by touching Parsley Family cautions! wild parsnip
Bean (Pea) Family TAXONICALLY: ____________ (previously Leguminosae) annual, biennial, perennial herbs, forbs, & trees well know species: wild blue indigo beanswild alfalfa locust (black & honey) vetch clover (red, white, etc.)
_________ flowers __ petals form distinctive _______, ______, and _____—keel consist of 2 fused petals (for most) Bean Family flower head patterns keel wings banner
crimson clover red clover Difficult to see the banner-wing-keel design “details” for some species with a very close look—mainly due to _________ flower size!
________ pods Often with _________ divided leaf with many smaller leaflets Bean Family pods design
garden variety peas Kentucky coffee tree alfalfa wild blue indigo As __________ they form a pea-like pod. Seeds found within the seed pod.
partridge pea American hog peanut alfalfa Pinnately compound leaves alfalfa
__________ _________ panicled tick-trefoil sessile slender bush red
Legumes = nitrogen fixers. Most welcome in most instances. Traditional grain crop rotation used to be: corn corn beans …back to corn Some are invasive (see next slide) Some are C 3 plants, some are C 4 plants Bean (pea) Family Miscellaneous ex. alfalfa peas clovers ex. tickseeds soybeans A. hogpeanut
________________= Chinese lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata Highly _______ in prairie / pasture habitat
________ (i.e., quasi-subfamily designation) 8 tribes total Clover-like species in clover tribe (one genus: Trifolium = ________________) Bean-like species in bean tribe Bean Family Taxonomically-speaking
Next time… Lily Mallow Aster Poaceae (again) Botany in a Day …con’t