Vegetables Creative Foods Created by: Miss Young
Vegetable Classifications Bulbs Flowers Fruits Stems Leaves Seeds Tubers Roots
Bulbs Bulbs: vegetables which bulb flesh is edible. Bulbs are often used for seasoning and flavoring. Most of these vegetables have a strong taste and odor. Garlic: strong-smelling multi-cloved bulb. Onion: strong tasting vegetable, a variety of garlic. Leek: plant with a small edible bulb. Quality bulbs are firm, fresh-looking, and have a good color.
Bulbs Garlic Onion Leek
Flowers These vegetables grow quickly in cool weather. They are served raw as well as cooked. Quality cauliflower and broccoli are firm, heavy for their size, and have a good color.
Flowers Artichokes Broccoli Cauliflower
Fruit - Vegetables Vegetables that are often called fruit-vegetables come from flowering plants and contain at least one seed. Therefore, they are technically the fruit of the plant. For the purpose of commercial kitchens, however, they are categorized as vegetables since they are savory rather than sweet. Quality fruit-vegetables have smooth, unblemished skin.
Fruit - Vegetables Tomatoes Cucumbers Eggplant Okra Peppers Pumpkins Squash
Stems Vegetables in this category produce edible stems, stalks, and shoots. They are picked when young and tender. Quality stems, stalks, and shoots are firm, unblemished, and have no browning. Vegetables - stalk: vegetable with an edible stem. Celery: vegetable with edible petioles. Asparagus: vegetable with edible shoots. Swiss chard: white beet. Rhubarb: stem-vegetable with edible petioles.
Stems Asparagus Celery
Leaves Vegetables in this category can be served raw or cooked. They shrink when cooked because of their high water content. Flavors of leafy greens range from mild to spicy. Quality greens have crisp, bright leaves without and brown spots.
Leaves Brussels sprouts Cabbage Lettuce Spinach
Seeds This category consists of vegetables with edible seeds. Some of the pods are also edible, but the seeds are more nutritious. Quality seeds and pods are firm, well-shaped, and without blemishes.
Seeds Peas Corn Beans
Tubers Tubers are large, round, underground stems that grow just below the surface of the soil. They store and provide food to their plants, making them rich in nutrients. Quality tubers are firm, unwrinkled, unblemished, and have good color.
Tubers Potatoes Jerusalem artichokes
Roots Roots grow deep into the soil. Roots store and provide food to their plants, making them rich in nutrients. Quality roots are firm, unwrinkled, unblemished, and have good color.
Roots Beets Carrots Parsnips Radishes Rutabagas Sweet potatoes Turnips
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