Can you name the animal? Can you name the type of camouflage the animal uses?
I am a large predator. I stalk my prey. I hunt large animals. I belong to the large cat family.
I am a large predator. I stalk my prey. I hunt large animals. I belong to the large cat family. “Leopard”
Prowling is one way I look for my prey. I am a predator. I live in the Arctic. I am a mammal.
Prowling is one way I look for my prey. I am a predator. I live in the Arctic. I am a mammal. “Polar Bear”
I am a bird of prey. I use my sharp talons to grab my prey. I am the national symbol for the United States. My babies are called eaglets.
I am a bird of prey. I use my sharp talons to grab my prey. I am the national symbol for the United States. My babies are called eaglets. “Bald Eagle”
I change my coat from brown in the summer to white in the winter. I live in the Arctic. I can hunt for my unwary prey. I am a mammal.
I change my coat from brown in the summer to white in the winter. I live in the Arctic. I can hunt for my unwary prey. I am a mammal. “Arctic Fox”
I am a predator. I can eat medium and large animals. I belong to the large cat family. My home is in the snowy mountains.
I am a predator. I can eat medium and large animals. I belong to the large cat family. My home is in the snowy mountains. “Snow Leopard”
I live in the Nile River in Africa. I lay my eggs in a nest. I am a predator. I blend in with the brown muddy waters.
I live in the Nile River in Africa. I lay my eggs in a nest. I am a predator. I blend in with the brown muddy waters. “Nile Crocodile”
I hunt in packs. I eat small mammals. I have babies called pups. Stalking is one way I catch my prey.
I hunt in packs. I eat small mammals. I have babies called pups. Stalking is one way I catch my prey. “Coyote”
I am a predator. I hunt large animals. I stalk my unwary prey. The female does most of the hunting.
I am a predator. I hunt large animals. I stalk my unwary prey. The female does most of the hunting. “Lion”
I have not changed since the dinosaur times. I am a predator. Sometimes I use the deep blue waters to become invisible. I eat fish, seals, whales and other sharks.
I have not changed since the dinosaur times. I am a predator. Sometimes I use the deep blue waters to become invisible. I eat fish, seals, whales and other sharks. “Great White Shark”
I am a reptile. I am a poisonous. Slithering is how move around. The sides of my head spread open.
I am a reptile. I am a poisonous. Slithering is how move around. The sides of my head spread open. “King Cobra”
I hunt large mammals. I can run up to 60 miles per hour. I am a predator. Stalking is my best way to follow my prey.
I hunt large mammals. I can run up to 60 miles per hour. I am a predator. Stalking is my best way to follow my prey. “Cheetah”
I am a mammal. I drink blood from animals. I fly in huge groups. I live in caves.
I am a mammal. I drink blood from animals. I fly in huge groups. I live in caves. “Vampire Bat”
I am the wariest in open spaces. Camouflage is important for me to survive. The babies are called Fawns. I am a prey.
I am the wariest in open spaces. Camouflage is important for me to survive. The babies are called Fawns. I am a prey. “White Tail Deer”
A group of us are called a pod. I am a predator. I have sharp teeth. I have “killer” in my name.
A group of us are called a pod. I am a predator. I have sharp teeth. I have “killer” in my name. “Orca (Killer Whale)”
I hunt for my prey. I have orange and black stripes. Sometimes I prowl in search for my prey. I have sharp and retractable claws.
I hunt for my prey. I have orange and black stripes. Sometimes I prowl in search for my prey. I have sharp and retractable claws. “Tiger”
My babies are called pups. I hunt in groups called packs. I have very sharp teeth. I am related to the dog family.
My babies are called pups. I hunt in groups called packs. I have very sharp teeth. I am related to the dog family. “Gray Wolf”
I only come out at night. I look like a bandit. I am a mammal. I am an omnivore, it means I eat small animals, fruits and plants.
I only come out at night. I look like a bandit. I am a mammal. I am an omnivore, it means I eat small animals, fruits and plants. “Raccoon”
I am red and live in the ocean. I use camouflage to survive among the seaweed. I look like a horse. The male carries the babies.
I am red and live in the ocean. I use camouflage to survive among the seaweed. I look like a horse. The male carries the babies. “Red Sea horse”