Plant Cell Journal - Elodea Make a wet mount slide and observe the Elodea under the microscope. Draw a plant cell from what you see in the microscope. Label the cell wall and chloroplasts containing chlorophyll. Vocab Definitions: Photosynthesis (110) Chlorophyll (110) Cell wall (79) Producer (9 or 78) Cellular Respiration (111)
Nonvascular Plant Journal - Moss Observe moss and the parts listed below under a dissecting micrscope. Draw and label: leaflike structure, stalk, spore capsule, rhizoid, sporophyte, gametophyte using your own eyes. Vocab Definitions: Nonvascular plant (80) Rhizoid (82) Sporophyte (79) Gametophyte (79)
Vascular Seedless Plant Journal - Fern Label the parts of the fern on the diagram using the word bank. Observe the parts of the fern under a dissecting scope. Draw and label: frond (leaf), spores, and fiddlehead (if available) using your own eyes. Vocab Definitions: Vascular plant (80) Spore (61)
Vascular Seedless Plant Journal – Fern (continued) Word Bank: frond fiddlehead rhizome root
Gymnosperm Journal – Conifer Needles Compare a pine branch (Douglas Fir) to an arborvitae branch. Draw using your own eyes. Vocab Definition: Gymnosperm (80)
Gymnosperm Journal – Conifer Cones Observe, draw and label: male cone, female cone and seeds. Use a dissecting scope to draw the male cone and your own eyes to draw the female cone.
Angiosperm Root Types Journal Compare a fibrous root system to a tap root system Draw and label: fibrous root system, tap root system, root cap, root hairs Vocab Definitions: Tap root system (93) Fibrous root system (93) Angiosperm (80)
Angiosperm Root Parts Journal electron micrograph of soybean root hairs
Angiosperm Stem Type Journal Compare a herbaceous stem to a woody stem Follow directions on the “stem” journal entry for woody stems. Remove the celery stalk from the colored water and carefully cut a cross section in the stalk to determine how far the colored water moved up the stalk. Measure the total length the colored water traveled. Draw the entire celery stalk with leaves in the box provided. Label the distance the colored water traveled in the vascular tissue. Observe and draw a cross section of a herbaceous stem using the dissecting scope; label the herbaceous stem and vascular tissue. (IF TIME): Observe under low power using a compound microscope the slide with both the young and old pine stem. Use the completed woody stem diagram to identify the parts of the pine stem cross sections. Vocab Definitions: Xylem (92) Phloem (92) Herbaceous stem (94) Woody stem (95)
Angiosperm Stem Type Journal Herbaceous Stem Woody Stem
Angiosperm Leaf Parts Journal Follow directions on the “leaf” journal entry. Label and color the parts of a leaf using the textbook. Observe, draw and label the stoma and guard cells using the prepared microscope slide. Write the equation for photosynthesis. Vocab Definitions: Stoma (stomata) (112) Transpiration (112) Cuticle (78 or 96)
Angiosperm Leaf Parts Journal
Angiosperm Flower Journal Observe and identify the parts of a flower listed below using your sample flower. Using tweezers remove the petals and sepals to expose the female and male reproductive parts of the flower. Draw and label both the stamen (male) and pistil (female) of your flower in the box provided. Use a dissecting scope to help observe the flower parts. Answer the provided questions Label the following flower parts on the two diagrams (#1-12). Sepals Petals Pistil Stamen Anther Filament Stigma Style Ovary Receptacle Ovule Pollen Vocab Definitions: Sepal (97) Petal (97) Pistil (98) Stamen (98) Anther (98) Ovary (98) Ovule (98 or 114)
Angiosperm Flower Journal (continued)
Angiosperm Sexual Reproduction Journal List the SIX steps of angiosperm sexual reproduction using the provided diagrams. Vocab Definitions: Pollen (86) Pollination (89)
Unscramble the steps: Under favorable conditions, the seed germinates (sprouts). A pollen tube grows to the ovule The ovary around the ovule becomes a fruit (protects & helps spread the seed) Fertilization: sperm & egg fuse in the ovule Pollination: pollen moves from anther (male) to stigma (female) Ovule develops into a seed
Angiosperm Sexual Reproduction Journal
Angiosperm Fruits Journal Compare: a tomato fruit to a silver maple fruit Draw and label: each type of fruit and its seeds Questions: How are the seeds within the fruits dispersed within an environment? How have these fruits adapted to their method of dispersal?
Angiosperm Seed & Germination Journal Part 1 Dissect a lima bean seed that has been soaking in water overnight by removing the seed coat and separating the seed in half. Draw and label: seed, seed coat, sporophyte (young plant), cotyledon (stored food) Part 2 Draw the germination of a pea seed. Vocab Definitions: Seed Coat (87) Dormant (116) Germination (116)
Angiosperm Seed & Germination Journal
Tropism Journal Draw and label an example of each type of tropism: Gravitropism (gravity) Phototropism (light) Hydrotropism (water) Thigmotropism (touch) Vocab Definitions: Tropism (118)
Limiting Factor Journal Identify, draw and label: a list of SIX limiting factors. Vocab Definitions: Limiting factor (not in book)