COUNTRY / PROJECT Quality Global Rehabilitation in Developing context.. Introduction Results & Analysis - On 2010 Base line survey conducted by three DPOs on the level of satisfaction of PWD on the access to physical rehabilitation services in the west bank, will be repeated on Since the start of the project 230 rehabilitation professionals have been trained on specific technical topics as well on issues related disability. - Establishment of the user centered approach steering committee from 9 rehabilitation centers with participation of three DPOs early in PWD received AD through two affordable AD leasing systems in the west bank since One joint partnership agreement with two DPOs has been achieved to start implementation on the accessible transportation options with two taxi companies in the west bank, and to launch the advocacy initiative on accessible transportation. Analysis of results: All results are satisfied and match to the indicator drawn previously. The quality assurance: Different instruments, tools, and indicators have developed to monitor and insure good quality of implementation on the level of the project activities.. Results obtained by implementing the above methods and tools Here, quickly summarise key outcomes of projects or rehabilitation programs. Please use tables or charts as appropriate – or delete if they are not required. Please adjust the headings of this section according to your results Title In the Palestinian Territory the rehabilitation service provision has been developing some significant capacities, but the absence of regulatory systems, lack of coordination amongst service providers, and the political situation has its impact on this sector. The rehabilitation sector almost all run by NGOs, with external and charitable based funding. The Palestinian Authority still not playing major role, in controlling and organizing this sector for sorting reasons: The political situation. Lack of financial resources. Lack of planning and monitoring systems within the health sector in general. Lack of knowledge and skills on the disability. The service providers themselves, facing difficulties to cover, and met the needs of Persons with Disabilities for support and specific services which impact on the quality of the rehabilitation services for PWD. The entire sector still developing, but many other sub main issues has an extreme impact on the PWDs, and on the development of this sector. The context negative attitude, unfriendly environment, and unsupported policies with the hesitation, and failure of the authority to fulfil its obligations toward the PWDs are the main barriers which limiting the active participation of PWD, families, and DPOs. Sometimes goes far into even not recognizing PWDs rights in participation, inclusion, and on claiming for their rights. The significant impact: Limited accessibility to rehabilitation services for PWDs. Low quality of rehabilitation services not addressing the users' needs. Lack of quality and appropriate assistive devices. Lack of information of PWDs on services available and how to access it. Over all low, and poor representations for PWDs, and the limitation to access social services remain the main impact on the PWDs life’s in the oPt. Country map or photo or drawing (optional) Introduction: Rehabilitation in Palestine/Access to physical rehab services for PWDs Conclusion In midterm and long term perspectives we believe the challenge is in changing the current polices, legislation, and context attitudes towered the real needs of the PWD. To bring this on practice, HI working strategy through this project is to move forward good practices convincing the different stalk holders that change is something possible, besides building their capacities to fulfil their responsibilities, and to enhance the awareness of the different stalk holders toward their responsibility in this regard. Photo or drawing (optional) Authors : HI oPt mission, … Bibliography : 1 HI oPt documentations 2 ACIII Project documentations Photo credits : ©OCHA oPt atlas 2011, © Xavier Bourgois … Methods Due to low quality of the rehabilitation services for the PWDs, and the poor representation of the PWDs as well lack of knowledge, and skills of the DPOs in the oPt in particular (in west bank). HI supports the capacity building for the SP, and the DPOs into two parallel ways, but connected. Building capacities for the technical staff of the rehabilitation teams (PT, OT, and SW).(training curriculum) Support and promote the adoption of the user centered approach within the motivated rehabilitation centers (User Centered steering committee). This committee aims to facilitate the implementation of the user centered approach principles into the rehabilitation centers, including changing attitudes, policies, and the typical work culture inside these facilities toward more participatory work culture based on the recognition of the rights of PWD to access those services. Supported with increase awareness, building capacities, and changing policies, long aside the DPOs involvement in this shift paradigm to support and facilitate the transformation based as well on their core roles in this regard. Support and improve the already exist Assistive devices leasing systems in the west bank toward more accessible, available, affordable, and good quality.(financial and technical support to partners) - Promote accessible transportation options for PWD to access rehabilitation services. (Joint partnership with two DPOs to carry on: 1. enhance awareness and advocacy 2. Partnership with taxi companies. - Support empowerment for the DPOs/PWD. Instruments: Regular meeting with partners. Training curriculum, attendance sheet, clinical training, evaluation sheets, and reports. User centered approach steering committee action plan. Partners monthly reports.