Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana By: Daniel Hughes
Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta ClassMagnoliopsida SubclassRosidae OrderRosales FamilyRosaceae GenusFragaria SpeciesFragaria virginiana =FRVI
Shape, Form, Type atic.flickr.com/4 8/ _6 d3144e938.jpg It is small with 5-petal white flowers, and the stalk is long and slender. It grows horizontally and is weed-like. The wild strawberry is a herbaceous plant. Figure 1: Wild Strawberry ildmanstevebr ill.com/Plants. Folder/Strawb erry.html
Leaf The leaves are on a separate stalk. Each leaf is 3-parted palmate-compound, with large, even teeth, and their leaflets are long-oval and 2-3 inches long. ldmanstevebril l.com/Plants.F older/Strawbe rry.html ofile?symbol=FRVI Figure 2: Leaf of Wild strawberry
Bud Figure 3: Bud of Wild Strawberry strawberry-fragaria-virginiana/
Flower small, white, 5- petaled flower, 3- parted leaf, and familiar fruit; flower white, radially- symmetrical, 5 petals, 1/2 to 1 inch broad, on separate flower stalk dmanstevebrill. com/Plants.Fol der/Strawberry. html
Fruit fruit drooping on long, slender, stalk, much smaller than commercial strawberry and red when ripe ldmanstevebril l.com/Plants.F older/Strawbe rry.html Figure 5: Fruit of Wild Strawberry et.au/images/fragole -e-melone-al- porto wild- strawberries1.jpg
Habitat and Range Habitats include moist to mesic black soil prairies, openings and edges of woodlands (including drier areas), savannas, limestone glades, and areas along railroads. Wild Strawberry is able to tolerate competition from taller plants because it develops early in the spring, and is able to tolerate some shade later in the year. It occurs in both degraded and high quality habitats, often not far from woodland areas. ww.illin oiswildfl owers.in fo/prairi e/plantx /wld_str awberry x.htm
Uses The fruit is edible and non-poisonous. The dried leaves can be used to make tea. Earls, dukes, princes, and marquises used the common strawberries white leaves as emblems on their crowns. manstevebrill.co m/Plants.Folder /Strawberry.htm l na.plant- life.org/specie s/fragaria_vir gin.htm
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