Ray LaBarge ECE 539 Project
Wild Mushrooms are available throughout North America No “Leaves of 3, Leave it Be” rule to classify by Consequences of misclassification are deadly!!!
Dataset from UC-Irvine Machine Learning Database Most notable work by Prof. Włodzisław Duch of Poland’s Nicolaus Copernicus University Established 3 classifying rules with 100% accuracy odor R 1 : odor ∈ {a,l,n}→ class e odorspore-print-colorpopulationhabitat R 2 : odor ∈ {a,l,n} & spore-print-color ∈ {r,w} & population = v & habitat ∈ {l,p}→class e odorspore-print-colorpopulationgill-size R 3 : odor ∈ {a,l,n} & spore-print-color ∈ {r,w} & population = v & gill-size = b →class e R 4 : ELSE→ class p
Develop k-NN Algorithm Determine baseline performance Establish if any relation between physical characteristics and toxicity exists Develop a Perceptron Randomize data and partition into Train and Test Use 3 way cross validation All algorithms implemented in Java
99.90% 99.90% accurate averaged from a 3-way cross validation
Percentages are averaged over 3 cross validations of data More than 99% accuracy!
Note: Using learning rates of 0.01 and had the same testing set accuracy. More than 99% accuracy!