By AlexisBy Alexis
Habitat. The cougar has many habitats. One of them is the deciduous rain forest. They also live in the swamps of Florida all the way to Canadian forests. The forest of Canada is cold and damp. They live in the forest because there is lots of trees so it can stalk its prey and hide. They also live in desserts and grassland. They like to live in desserts because its hot and the cougar need it to be hot because their thin lair of skin. The cougar used to Rome all over North America now there is less roaming around due to loss of habitat. The cougar is endangered because loss of habitat. Now there is less in their regular habitat.
Description. The name of my animal is a cougar, puma, mountain lion, panther or catamount( felis con color.)It is a tan color. It weighs pounds. Its tail is 2-3 cm long (60-90 cm) its height is 4ft-6ft. Cougars have a life span up to 8 years. Cougars can purr but can't roar the cougar has a small head but big ears. It also has power full jaws, long nails and long Caine teeth. All of these things help the cougar to eat.
FOOD AND DIAGRAM. The cougar is a carnivore. A carnivore is an animal that eats meat. The cougars favorite foods are deer, rabbits, mountain goat and any other small species it can catch. The cougar also eats moose,elk and rodents (like beavers) some birds and live stock. The cougar hunts alone not in a pack. The cougar leaps off the ground or from a tree to break a large animals neck.
Cool facts. There are many cool facts about cougars. One thing is cougars can purr but can’t roar. The cougar is found in the rain forest of South and North America. A cougars tail is 2-3 feet long cm which is 3 rulers put together. The cougar weighs up to 200 pounds. The is at the top of the food chain which means it has no predators. Cougars eat up to 10 pounds of meat each day which is equal to 40 hamburgers. Cougars are great jumpers, they can leap16 feet which is jumping a school bus the long way.
Adaptations. Adaptations. The cougar has many adaptations here are so me for example. the cougar has keen eye sight the keen eye sight helps the cougar spot its prey coming. The cougar has long retractable claws to help it eat its food. It also has sensory whiskers to help it smell danger and food coming. The cougar has long retractable claws to help it catch and eat food. It also has a long tail for balance.
HUMANS. The cougar is an endangered species because over hunting by man. Over hunting by man can cause loss of habitat. I think humans should not be involved in animals habitats because if all the animals were pushed out of its habitat all the animals would be separated then they would not have any thing to eat. Soon they would die and we would not have any food except for plants. most of are food comes from animals like eggs, chicken and pork. The cougar also has been pushed out of its habitat because of earth quakes.
THE END Thank you for watching and reading