Both systems transport food and water to cells. 1. How are the circulatory system in animals and the vascular system in plants similar to each other? How are they different? Both systems transport food and water to cells. They are different because the circulatory system transports blood around the body. The Vascular system has 2 parts: xylem carries water and minerals up and the phloem carries sugar down and to all cell in a plant.
2. Describe how water in the ground travels to the leaves at the top of the tree. Water enters the tree through the roots. Then the water flows up the roots and tree in xylem tubes. Xylem tubes carry the water all the way to the leaves at top of the tree.
3. What is sap? Why do plants need sap? Sap is a sugar-rich liquid transported by the phloem. (excess sugar made in the leaves) Plants need sap because every living cell cannot make its own sugar. (It’s the sugar for plants that cannot make their own food.)
4. What could a scientist use to help him classify a collection of leaves. Describe each. Shape/blade shape- can be square, heart, spear, etc. Venation- pattern of the veins of a leaf (pinnate, palmate, and parallel) Color- Leaf margin- edges of the leaf.
5. When you looked at the cross-section of the celery, which part of the stalk were red.? Xylem was red. (red dots) Cells were red because xylem tubes transported water up to cells in leaf.
6. Leaf with Pinnate Veins
7. Leaf with Palmate veins
8. Leaf with Parallel veins
10. Why was more water lost from the vial with celery with leaves than the vial with celery without leaves? More water was absorbed in the vial with celery with leaves because the leaves require the water to stay alive.