Angiosperms Seed plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit and are flowering.
Characteristics Flowering plants Produce seeds enclosed in fruits Live almost everywhere—frozen tundra, deserts, and tropical jungles
Flower The reproductive structure of an angiosperm
Structure of a Flower Sepals-leaf like structures that protect the developing flower (bud) Petals-colorful leaf like stuctures-shape,size and number vary – Inside the petals – Stamens – Pistils
Stamens Male reproductive part of a flower Has 2 parts – Filament-the thin stalk – Anther-saclike structures found on top of the filament that contains the pollen-pollen contains cells that become sperm cells
Pistils Female reproductive part Found in the center of most flowers Can have more than one 3 parts – Stigma-sticky tip – Style-slender tube connects stigma to ovary – Ovary-hollow structure which protects the seeds and contains one or more ovules.
Pollinators Birds, bats, bees Attracted to color or shape of the petals and scent Transfers pollen
Reproduction of Flowering Plants Pollen from an anther falls on a flower’s stigma If it falls on the stigma of a similar plant, fertilization occurs. The sperm cell joins with the egg cell inside an ovule within the ovary. The zygote begins to develop into the embryo As the seed develops, the ovary changes into a FRUIT. Fruit is the way the seeds are dispersed- animals eat the fruit and “release” the seeds.
Types of Angiosperms 2 major groups – Monocots – Dicots Monocots Monocots-have only one seed leaf-grasses, corn, wheat, tulips, lilies. Flowers have 3 petals or multiples of three— (6,9,12) Leaves are long an slender with parallel veins and vascular tissue is scattered throughout. Dicots Dicots-seeds have two seed leaves—roses, violets, oak and maple trees. Flowers have 4 or 5 petals or multiples of those numbers. Leaves are wide with branching veins. Vascular tissue is usually arranged in a ring.
Food Clothing-cotton and flax Medicine Rubber for tires Furniture/lumber These are renewable products!