Kevin Capistran
RRV Yield Expectations Sugarbeets26 ton HRS Wheat70 bu Corn130 bu Soybeans40 bu Sunflower2000 lbs
Normalized Yields
Sunflower Challenges Fewer weed control options Insects Harvest loss Disease Phomopsis Sclerotinia head and stalk rot
Soybeans Vs. Sunflower Expected Yield Soil TypeSoybeansSunflowerRatio Bearden Loam45 bu2000 lbs1:44 Wheatville Sandy Loam40 bu2000 lbs1:50 Ulen Loamy Sand35 bu2000 lbs1:57
Soybeans Vs. Sunflower InputSoybeansSunflower Seed + Herbicides== Fungicide + Insecticide== Fertilizer P + K== Nitrogen080 x $0.45?
Sunflower Advantages Different herbicide modes of action Break SCN life cycle Water use
Sunflower Management Hulling type with good disease ratings Lower populations and available N Utilize herbicide tolerant hybrids Foliar Fungicides Early harvest
Sclerotinia Head Rot Hybrid or variety selection Cultural practices Disease prediction Treatment with fungicides Desiccate
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