Mediterranean food Toni Ortiz González Jordi Quirós Berbel
W h a t i s M e d i t e r r a n e a n f o o d ? Mediterranean diet is known as feeding mode based on an idealization of some dietary patterns of the Mediterranean countries.
F e a t u r e s - - High consumption of plant products. - - Olive oil as main fat. - - Regular consumption of wine in moderate amounts.
Why is good Mediterranean food? - - The fat of oil of olive. - - The blue fish have Omega The wine have cardiovascular protection.
When we eat? - - Breakfast - - A little lunch - - Lunch - - A snack - - Dinner
Who are the most important chefs in Catalonia? - Ferran Adrià - El Bulli - Carles Gaig - Can Gaig - Miquel Sánchez Romera - (Unfinished) - Jordi Parramon
C a t a l o n i a f o o d Bread with tomatoes and oil
C a t a l o n i a f o o d Sausage with beans
C a t a l o n i a f o o d Meatballs with cuttlefish
Catalonia food Tortilla of potatoes
Catalonia food Calçots
Catalonia food Catalan Cream