DGRC 04/05/2002 DATA CONTEXT Jane Weintrop Columbia University Representing Electronic Data Service Columbia University Libraries
DGRC 04/05/2002 Electronic Data Service Acquire and manage data resources Many sources: federal government, research cooperatives, commercial vendors Data intermediaries (find, explain, and extract) Columbia’s interface to data studies, DataGate Support statistical program users
DGRC 04/05/2002 Data Context Contributed to the specification for an Ontology Preliminary analysis of existing data user behavior Acquaint others with existing methods for handling data queries Provide information about Census data products Feedback on the second DGRC interface for Energy data
DGRC 04/05/2002 Reviewing Data User Behavior and Search Interfaces DataGate the search interface to Columbia’s data archive Analysis of the transaction log what do they enter? how do they refine their search? Was the DataGate interface intuitive?DataGate
DGRC 04/05/2002 Other interfaces for handling data queries Web Interfaces American Factfinder Ferret CD/DVD Interfaces Allocate Geolytics Novice user and “power” user
DGRC 04/05/2002 Census Data Preview What types of data products are there? size structure logical arrangement What are the challenges of presenting Census data to users geographic concepts census variables What meta-data exists
DGRC 04/05/2002 Social Science Librarians and DGRC Skilled in matching queries to information sources Subject specialists User perspective