Computer Lab Management 101 Adamsville High School
Purpose To acquaint students with basic lab procedures and management To encourage students to use computer labs effectively
Facilities: Equipment
Facilities: Safety T o protect yourself and equipment, never tamper with or remove any power cords or cables (including mouse and keyboard). To safeguard yourself and equipment, never attempt to restart or reset equipment without permission. To protect yourself and equipment, never insert a foreign object into a disk drive or any other part of the computer.
Facilities: Safety Never hit a machine, smash a mouse, or abuse a button or key Never tamper with or attempt to disrupt a computer’s operating system Never attempt to use someone else’s password to access the site network or Internet Never give out personal information over the site network or Internet
Facilities: Safety Print only to teacher designated printers Engage only in school related activities during class time Always sit at your assigned workstation Position keyboards to prevent bumping or dropping them off the work surface Avoid blocking air vents to prevent overheating
Computer Lab Rules
Lab Rules: –Follow All Safety Rules –No Food, Drink, –No games of any kind, Internet chat, instant messaging, or personal –No downloading of music, shareware, freeware, and evaluation copies of software from the Internet
Computer Lab Rules Lab Rules: –CD-ROMs and other multimedia equipment are for school work only –Keep the labs clean –Understand that computer use is a privilege – not a right
Organize to Optimize Available Lab Time
Closing your visit: Begin closing down 5 minutes before the end of class All students save work then log out (not shut down) All students are to push in their chairs and remain at their station until the bell rings