Welcome to 3 rd Grade We are excited about the new school year and the opportunity to work with your child. We would like to quickly acquaint you with information you will need to have while your child is in our classroom.
Our conference period is daily from 2:20 to 3:05 pm. Please send a note or call if you would like to set up a conference. This will ensure that we are present and prepared. If you just have a brief question, please feel free to drop by.
Each Monday your child will bring home a folder containing the previous week’s work. Please sign and return the folder to verify that you have seen your child’s work and are aware of his or her progress. Be sure to take out all of your child’s papers. Monday Folders
Homework Homework activities are designed to be a quick review that only requires a brief amount of time. Third graders are required to read every night. They should be ready to test over a story in the paper books, a picture book or have at least read one chapter in a chapter book, before class starts each morning. Third graders are required to study spelling words each night. As the year progresses, they will also be required to spend a little time each night studying their multiplication facts. Any changes in homework will be written in their planner. Failure to complete homework at home could result in time out of recess.
BIRTHDAY TREATS If you would like to send treats for your child’s birthday please send something EASY (ready to serve) to pass out such as cookies or cupcakes. You may choose to send just enough for your child’s homeroom (20 students) or enough for the entire third grade (40 students). Treats will be handed out after lunch, when we return to the classroom. Remember the state rules: no carbonated beverages, gum or hard candy.
SAFETY CITY This is a fun field trip for your children. They get to walk a street course, ride bikes and learn safety rules…but their favorite part…they get to drive cars! This year will be different from years past. There will be some new things at Safety City. So come see what’s new. We encourage every parent who can to make plans to join your child for this fun day. Thursday, May 9th
Report cards are sent out every six weeks. We also send progress reports home every three weeks to help keep you informed of your child’s progress. REPORT CARDS Parent Portal
School policy states that all students wear tennis shoes to school all day everyday. Your children need tennis shoes to participate in P.E. Wearing tennis shoes also keeps their feet safe during recess and other outdoor activities. Remember shoes and clothing are not to be a distraction in class. SHOES FOR P.E.
8:02-8:40 Tutoring 8:40-9:25 P.E. 9:25-11:25 Classtime 11:30-12:05 Lunch 12:05-2:20 Classtime 2:20-3:05 Enrichment 3:05-3:15 Prepare to go home THIRD GRADE SCHEDULE Enrichment PayneWatson Monday ComputerLibrary Tuesday LibraryComputer Wednesday MusicMusic Thursday ComputerCSI (2:30-3:00) Friday CSI – Mrs. Reese (2:30-3:00) Computer Please Be On Time
Please send any money in an envelope with your child’s name on the front and how much money is inside. LUNCH MONEY Don’t forget about our new on-line program to check your child’s lunch account. You may access the web site from the Lawn Elementary Homepage. Choose the Nutrikids Lunch System on the side tabs. Please remember that this program will charge you a fee to deposit money unlike sending a check or money to school.
We will invite those students whom we think will benefit most. Tutoring days are Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 – 4:00. We will let you know if we would like your child to attend. AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING
Math: April 23 Reading: April 24 STAAR Your child will be working very hard this year. We will be working on your child’s reading endurance as well as he or she becoming independent. The reading test is lengthy and there is quite a lot of reading on the math test. So occasionally we will tell the students “You have to do it all by yourself.” Also beginning in 2012, the STAAR tests for 3 rd grade will be timed. Therefore, we will also need to practice completing work within a set amount of time.
Moose Math
It always helps if we are aware of “anything” that could affect your child’s day at school. Please keep us informed!!!
Respect for self. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions. CLASS RULES
We really believe and emphasize logical consequences. Most behavior issues can be handled quickly and painlessly here at school with a casual warning, or even a glance or little time out of recess. However, if an inappropriate behavior becomes a habit we will contact parents through note, or phone call. We will also contact you if we notice any dramatic changes in behavior or sometimes just to brag on your child. However, if the offense is severe enough (violence or flagrant disrespect), we may at any time determine that a visit to the principal is necessary. We emphasize the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Market Day Market Day is usually in May, so you have all year to think of what your child might want to sell.