3 Exhibition on Testing and Measurement A Response Naomi Gafni National Institute for Testing and Evaluation
Exhibition on Testing and Measurement 5 Why is there a need for such an exhibition? Exhibition on Testing and Measurement Public outreach (Wikipedia) – aimed at promoting public awareness (and understanding) of testing and making contributions to science education. science outreach has become more organized over the past years and museums are an essential part of this organization.
The Exhibition Goals (short version) Exhibition on Testing and Measurement To acquaint the public with the scientific field of testing and measurement To create dialogue between the public and measurement experts To educate clients 6
Exhibition on Testing and Measurement 5 What are the three main messages it conveys? Exhibition on Testing and Measurement Tests facilitate fairness, rational decision making, learning, safety of society and social mobility Test development is a scientific profession – based on theories, systematic research, validation, multi-reviewers No test is perfect. The goal of professional test developers is to estimate and minimize measurement error. Tests must meet standards.
Exhibition on Testing and Measurement 5 Tests must meet standards – Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing Exhibition on Testing and Measurement The Standards for educational and psychological testing place standards about validity and reliability, along with errors of measurement and related considerations under the general topic of test construction, evaluation and documentation. The second major topic covers standards related to fairness in testing, the rights and responsibilities of test takers, testing individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds, and testing individuals with disabilities. The third and final major topic covers standards related to testing applications, including the responsibilities of test users, psychological testing and assessment, educational testing and assessment, testing in employment and credentialing, plus testing in program evaluation and public policy.
Exhibition on Testing and Measurement 5 In your experience, which measurement topic is most difficult to explain to the public? Exhibition on Testing and Measurement Given a quota, using test scores for admissions decision making, does not affect the number of admitted applicants It is impossible to develop a high quality test overnight Equating: If the score has a norm reference meaning, how come my score is not relative to the specific group I was examined with? Interviews and recommendations are not reliable Avi: Why does it take so long to develop an exhibition on testing and measurement
Exhibition on Testing and Measurement 5 How can we attract the public to the exhibition? Exhibition on Testing and Measurement Interactive activities Group activities Public talks/lectures/discussions Workshops/schools for teachers and/or students Online outreach