Special requirements for certification GAZPROM companies and suppliers worldwide Maria Koroleva the director of Russian certification Technologies the expert of QMS certification of GOST R, Quality Austria, IRCA, Military Register
With 17% of the global gas production, Gazprom Group is the leader among the world’s oil and gas companies. In 2008 Gazprom Group produced billion cubic meters of gas. Gazprom is a global energy company basically focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and marketing of gas and other hydrocarbons as well as electric power and heat energy production and distribution. The state owns a per cent controlling stake in Gazprom.
With a view to improving of GAZPROM activity, its subsidiaries and GAZPROM suppliers: The standards of GAZPROM for Quality management systems were maintained and put into operation by the Order of GAZPROM from since STO Gazprom «Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary»; STO Gazprom «Quality management systems. Requirements. 1 st part. Common requirements»; STO Gazprom «Quality management systems. Requirements. 2 nd part. Special requirements»; STO Gazprom «Quality management systems. Guidelines for quality management systems assessment». STO GAZPROM STANDARDS SERIES 9000
Implementation and certification in accordance with STO Gazprom 9000 series is necessary to realization of contract and tender conditions This standard complements and develops ISO 9000 conditions.
Certification bodies Gazprom certification system Subsidiary – accreditation body «Gazprom complektaciya» Subsidiary – accreditation body «Gazprom complektaciya»
Certificate of notification
The presence of evaluated by authorized representative auditors Notification conditions
Gazprom pererabotka is a powerful production complex of Russia Acivities: processes of natural gas, gas condensate and oil processing and transportation, as well as the products of natural gas, gas condensate and oil processing; and also all connected supporting and production processes
The share of Gazprom dobycha Yamburg in the total gas production of Gazprom accounts for 40%, 31 % in Russian gas production. In 2010 the Company produced over 203 bcm of gas and over 1, 5 mln tons of gas condensate.
LLC “Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky” is one of the biggest companies of JSC “Gazprom” that is connected with transportaion of Natural gas on the territory of Perm Region, Udmurtia and Kirov Region of Russia; and also is connected with exploitation and repair of gas pipe line and gas- transport systems.
Main stages of supplier’s QMS assessment Preliminary stage Analysis of documentation QMS audit in the company Decision about the results of QMS assessment Surveillance audit Renewal audit 1 year 4 months 3 years
Preliminary stage Registration of application By making decision concerning the necessity of proceeding QMS certification in “Gazprom” standardization system a supplier has to: acquaint with procedures and the order of conducting QMS assessment; to conduct QMS certification in accordance with scope, regulatory documentation and requirements supplier has to determine them; issue and send the application for Quality management system assessment in accordance with a set form to JSC “Gazprom”; prepare and send a set of documents including the information about company to JSC “Gazprom complektaciya”.
Preliminary stage Registration of application Business - planning; Design of a Quality – plan for the contract; Analysis of production practicability and risk assessment; Implementation of accounting system and analysis of quality costs; Management of special specifications and responsible processes; Designing and developing of products and production processes using analysis of potential non-conformities; Implementation of statistic methods of data analysis; Conducting QMS audits at least once in 6 months. Additional requirements of STO Gazprom
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