Institute of World Mission
Missionary Orientation Program voted October 1956 “WE RECOMMEND, that a Missionary Orientation Program be activated…” Missionary Orientation Program 1966 “In order to acquaint the newly appointed missionary... an orientation course of a minimum of 6 weeks and up to several months is offered by Andrews University.”.. October 15, 1972 “No student missionary is to take up his overseas assignment unless he has satisfactorily completed the Student Missionary Orientation course taught at his college.” 1981 “Institute of World Mission and the Department of World Mission to become two separate entities.” 45
In anticipation of Jesus’ soon return our purpose is to Cultivate mission vision Prepare cross-cultural workers Nurture missionary witness For effective service in God’s harvest N 15 Seventh-day Adventist Institute of World Mission N Purpose—The Institute of World Mission, under the direction of the General Conference Secretariat and in collaboration with other General Conference offices 1.Clarifies, reviews, and reaffirms the meaning of mission in the Church today for interdivision employees and volunteers and explains their role in the fulfillment of that mission. 2.Conducts regular training programs and prepares appropriate training materials to accomplish the above. 3.Acquaints interdivision employees and volunteers with the conditions and challenges they may meet in their respective locations and 4.Informs interdivision employees and volunteers policies and procedures under which N 15 Seventh-day Adventist Institute of World Mission N Purpose—The Institute of World Mission, under the direction of the General Conference Secretariat and in collaboration with other General Conference offices 1.Clarifies, reviews, and reaffirms the meaning of mission in the Church today for interdivision employees and volunteers and explains their role in the fulfillment of that mission. 2.Conducts regular training programs and prepares appropriate training materials to accomplish the above. 3.Acquaints interdivision employees and volunteers with the conditions and challenges they may meet in their respective locations and 4.Informs interdivision employees and volunteers policies and procedures under which Mission Statement
Mission Institutes Growing Spiritually Thinking Biblically Reasoning Missiologically Living Wholistically Serving Incarnationally Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture 1 st Mission Institute—Andrews University 130 th Mission Institute—Andrews University
Mission Institutes Go to the World 2001 Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture 45
Reentry Seminars Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture Welcome Home Family Seminar Hello America Teen Seminar 45
Mission Institute for Missionary Kids Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture 45
Cross-cultural Leadership Seminars Tentmaker Training Student Mission Classes P2M Online Class— Resources for Mission 45 Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture Other Services
Publications Cultivate · Prepare · Nurture 45