Minerva Duke-Caruso Chapter 12
Student Learning Objectives 1. Acquaint you with the characteristics of a profession 2. Differentiate professional from nonprofessional work 3. Explain the types of knowledge & skills essential for performing professional work
SLO’s 4. Discuss what you need to do during your undergraduate years to gain entry into and succeed in your chosen professional field AND 5. Are you suited for a career in a physical activity profession?
What is a Profession?
A degree in kinesiology is the foundation for a career.
Your textbook recognizes five characteristics for a professional Number 1 “Professionals have Mastered Complex Skills Grounded in Theory.”
# 1 Master complex skills that are grounded in and guided by systematic theory and research.
Cognitive Skills
Perceptual Skills
Interpersonal skills
Groups Your own Definition!
characteristics # 2 Perform services for others, known as clients or patients
# 2 Perform services for Others, known as clients or patients (students)
How do you get all those skills?
characteristics # 3 Are granted a monopoly by the community to supply certain services to its members
I like what your textbook states
Characteristics #4 Are guided by formal and informal ethical codes intended to preserve the health and well- being of their clients
In the Ideal World
Characteristics # 5 Meet the expectations and standards prescribed by their professional subcultures
How are Physical Activity Professionals Educated for the Workforce? Did you learn this when you researched your core curriculum assignment? Liberal studies Course work in Physical Activity Course work in Theoretical kinesiology Course work in Professional Practice Knowledge and Professional Skills Internships
Undergraduate Student Handbook [pdf] FREE!